Producer of "Coming Out in the 1950s" a new
video in which teen journalists interview gay
elders about their coming out experiences

unconstitutional in Federal Court the Obama Administration
continues to appeal the Log Cabin Republicans vs. The United
States of America decision despite the fact that ‘Don’t Ask Don’t
Tell’ has been repealed & signed into law. This past week the
Obama Administration decided not to appeal DOMA Section 3
which was also found unconstitutional in Boston Federal Court.
Recently we chatted with Richard Emmanuel about this situation
& he stated, “Again these are distractions. It’s a way that Obama
doesn’t have to take a stand. The President does not have to take
a stand, his cabinet & the people surrounding him basically do
not have to take a stand. I just find all this stuff disappointments
& lies." Updates to Come...:)
Listen to this Exclusive Audio Byte with Emmanuel.

Emmanuel Visionary & Gay Activist on the truth
about our LGBT Civil Rights & Obama

Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
Once again, President Obama has abdicated his responsibility in ending the failed and unconstitutional 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy. The Department of Justice's continued defense of this case and its appellate tactics seek to obfuscate the issues and facts of this case. Log Cabin Republicans represents countless Active Duty, Reserve and National Guard servicemembers who are under the peril of a policy that seeks to advance discrimination over national security, which is why we went to court to argue this exact matter. This position is particularly difficult at a time when DOD commanders are ready to implement open service and open recruitment. When applying different standards between the government's position in regards to the Defense of Marriage Act and 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' what makes one indefensible and the other appropriate discrimination.
R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director
FYI - Our gay troops are saying "Do Ask, Do Tell" now at http://OutMilitary.com - the New Social Network for Gay Service Members.
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