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Gay Marriage Rally in San Francisco

By Charlotte Robinson, February 14, 2011

Watch Civil Disobedience Action at San Francisco City Hall
Marriage Counter on Valentine’s Day Feb. 14th executed
by Marriage Equality USA & GetEqual. This Valentine's Day,
marriage equality supporters across the nation will once
again stand on the side of love & justice at the annual
marriage counter actions where gay couples ask for marriage
licenses to render visible the government's discriminatory law.
This year, individuals in several cities, including San Francisco,
will stand up against this unfairness by engaging in a sit-in
at the marriage counter.
In San Francisco, in addition to local gay couples who wish
to marry, asking for marriage licenses will also show the
discrimination that Prop 8 has re-imposed in California.
Marriage equality supporters, including clergy, will stand in
support of love & fairness by sitting down after being denied
service at the marriage counter. The action is planned for
San Francisco City Hall 1 Dr. Carlton Goodlett Plaza @11A.
Couples will proceed to marriage license counter to ask for
licenses & the sit-in will immediately follow.
Updates to Come...:)
For More Info: equalityevents.ning.com
Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Robin McGehee,
of GetEQUAL & Molly McKay, of Marriage
USA, w/ a Gay Marriage News Update
& about a very important
Valentine's Day Action

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Molly McKay said...

On this wonderful day of love, we will remind the world that falling in love and the desire to marry the person you love is a universal sentiment and that all citizens should have the freedom to marry the one they love. Prop 8 shattered that dream for lesbian and gay Californians, and ever day it remains in effect real people are being hurt.

As a way to reaffirm our position that the Prop 8 advocates have no standing in this lawsuit, we will sit down - married couples, like my wife Davina and me, alongside similarly situated same-gender couples who can’t marry at the same counter that used to marry everyone equally. The State of California has officially confirmed that they want to put this ugly, discriminatory chapter of our state's history behind us - and we are hopeful that the courts will confirm that there is no standing to appeal the historic federal court ruling that struck down Prop 8 as unconstitutional. We must restore an inclusive future for all California couples, sooner rather than later.

Molly McKay, Marriage Equality USA Media Director

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