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Boston LGBT Executive Networking Event

By Charlotte Robinson, February 23, 2011
Tonight New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft will be the keynote speaker at Boston Spirit Mag 4th annual Boston Spirit Executive Networking Night, February 23rd, from 6P – 9P. LGBT corporate professionals from Greater Boston & beyond will gather at the Boston Marriott Copley Place for an unprecedented evening of networking & business conversation. There will be designated areas for Finance, Legal, Real Estate, Employment Recruiting, Healthcare & more. Over 1,200 business professionals are expected to attend which is sponsored by heavy hitters such as U.S. Trust, Fidelity, TD Bank, Eastern Bank & Blue Cross Blue Shield. This promises to be a special night & one you do not want to miss. See You There…:)
The Event is Free But You Must RSVP — click here
Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Richard Emmanuel
Visionary & Gay Activist on the truth about our

LGBT Civil Rights

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™Support Our Vision @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:)View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

David Zimmerman said...

It’s groundbreaking, absolutely groundbreaking. Once again the New England Patriots and its ownership are leading the way in professional sports. I’ve always seen the Patriots as being pretty open-minded. I expect that Robert Kraft will talk a little bit about the current business climate and the economy. And maybe about the social barrier that exists between professional sports and the gay community, and we’ll see where that goes.

David Zimmerman Boston Spirit Magazine publisher

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