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“Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Schizophrenia

By Charlotte Robinson, July 15, 2011
Update: The Federal Court ruled Friday that there will
be a cease firing of gay & lesbian service members
if you’re gay & want to openly enlist, that’s not
going to
be allowed for now…..

The continual legal saga with the repeal of "Don't Ask,
Don't Tell" is beginning to reflect the insanity of a
Roman Polanski film. The Obama administration has
filed papers asking a federal appeals court to reconsider
an order from last week ruling that DADT was no longer
enforceable worldwide. The order from the 9th Circuit
Court of Appeals called for an immediate halt to the policy.
Our gay & lesbian military must feel slapped in the face by
this new development. Veteran & Servicemembers Legal
Defense Network (SLDN) Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis
stated, “At SLDN, we are frustrated by this last-minute filing,
which could well add more delay & confusion for service
members. This development only serves to underscore the
need for immediate certification & finality.”
Remember despite the President signed the bill authorizing
the repeal of DADT, it is still unsafe for service members to
come out until 60 days after certification by the President,
Secretary Panetta & Admiral Mullen. Updates to Come…:)
Listen to Audio Interview with Aubrey Sarvis on DADT
Update below...:) More to Come....

Exclusive Audio Chat with Aubrey Sarvis,
Executive Director of Servicemembers Legal

Defense Network with a “Don’t Ask, Don’t

Tell” Repeal Update

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

R. Clarke Cooper said...

This latest maneuver by the President continues a pattern of doublespeak that all Americans should find troubling. All this does is further confuse the situation for our men and women in uniform. Let me be clear - the president is asking the court
for the power to continue threatening servicemembers with investigation and discharge, and the right to turn away qualified Americans from military service for no reason other than their sexual orientation. Even if the administration never uses that power, it is still wrong, and the Ninth Circuit was clear that there is no justification for continuing the violation of servicemembers' constitutional rights. 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' is an offense to American values that should have been gone long ago. It is shameful that a president who has taken credit for opposing the policy is taking extreme measures to keep it on life support.

R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director, combat veteran and Captain in the United States Army Reserve

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