It’s so typical of this country to be at each others throats over the obscene state of our economy when we’re sitting on something that could bring billions of dollars to our nation. That something is gay marriage. Recently we asked Bob Witeck of Witeck & Combs Communications who co-authored “Business Inside Out” considered the handbook on marketing & strategies targeting the LGBT market whether passing marriage equality on the federal level would boost the US Economy. Witeck stated, “Absolutely. Marriage equality is almost a business imperative”. There are millions of gay couples nationwide that would love to be married. Now that America is in debt for trillions let's address this in dollars & cents. An average U.S. couple spends $28,800 for their wedding. This doesn't include the cost for a honeymoon, wedding rings, bridal consultants, wedding planners or hotels for their families & friends. Witeck also states that gay marriage would boost the housing industry as newlyweds would purchase houses & larger homes. Then there are gay couples who marry with children in mind. This would be another source of pumping up the economy for all the kiddie needs like clothing, toys, strollers, cribs, etc. These are challenging financial times & the world needs to find new resources to climb OUT of this mess. Why not tap the LGBT community? Provide all people marriage equality & watch the economy thrive both financially & spiritually. Updates to Come…:)
Listen to the full audio interview with Bob Witeck below....
Exclusive Audio Interview with Bob Witeck on Gay Buying Power, how federal marriage equality will help the US economy, LGBT Civil Rights & more ….@ OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage