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Rosh Hashanah Begins the Year 5772

Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year is the first of the High Holidays or Yamim Noraim "Days of Awe" that is celebrated 10 days before Yom Kippur. Rosh Hashanah is observed on the first 2 days of Tishrei the 7th month of the Hebrew calendar & is described in the Torah as a day of sounding the Shofar. This is the year 5772 according to the Jewish calendar. We want to wish our Jewish LGBT community & their families a Happy New Year! :)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Marlee Walchuk, Producer of RightOutTV's 1st Music Video Awards for LGBTI musicians Deadline is Friday Sep 30th for Submissions...more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

New TV Season Cuts LGBT Roles

As LGBT TV junkies this is the report we look forward to at the beginning of the new TV season. Today GLAAD released their 16th annual Where We Are On TV report that reviews the presence of scripted LGBT primetime characters in the 2011-2012 television season. Unfortunately after a significant increase last year, the number of regular lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) characters on broadcast networks decreased while the overall LGBT character count remains steady on cable television. Fox is the most LGBT inclusive network & on cable HBO tops the list. Updates to Come...:)
To Read The Full Report: glaad.org
Exclusive Audio Chat with Marlee Walchuk, Producer of RightOutTV's 1st Music Video Awards for LGBTI musicians Deadline is Friday Sep 30th for Submissions...more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day

September 27th is National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day. It’s been almost 30 years since the first cases of HIV were reported in gay men. Today new generations of gay men continue to bear the burden of HIV/AIDS in this country. A new CDC report finds that approximately 1 in 5 (19 percent) of gay men in 21 major U.S. cities is infected with HIV & nearly half (44 percent) of them are unaware of their infection. Young gay men & gay men of color are the least likely to know their HIV status. It’s so important to get tested at least once a year or every 3 to 6 months if you are at increased risk because of multiple or anonymous sex partners or use of drugs during sex. In support of National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day we’re running a little give away. Tell us why HIV Awareness Day is important to you in the comments below & LifeStyles Condoms will send a prize pack of their popular SKYN Condoms to the first 5 respondents. (Be sure to include your email address.) So please practice safe sex & use condoms.
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Ally GOP Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

If you watched the GOP debate last night perhaps you became a bit ill listening to Rick Santorum answer a gay soldier's question about the end of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" promising that if elected he will reinstate the policy. Fortunately there are a few Republicans in Congress that do support LGBT civil rights. Rep Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) has become the first Republican member of Congress to co-sponsor the Respect for Marriage Act. This is the bill that will put an end to the Defense of Marriage Act. (DOMA) Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen stated, "I'm pleased to join the Log Cabin Republicans in our fight for marriage equality. I co-sponsored the repeal of DOMA because I firmly believe that equality is enshrined in our constitution & in our great democracy." Well, it’s a start….
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Film THE GREEN At The MFA Boston

Tonight at 7:30P the Boston LGBT Film Festival is showing THE GREEN at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in celebration of the opening of the Linde Family Wing for Contemporary Art. This must-see film has been winning LGBT film festivals nationwide. Steven Williford’s THE GREEN includes a fabulous cast with Jason Butler Harner, Cheyenne Jackson, Julia Ormond & Illeana Douglas. The film is about an openly gay couple who leave NYC for a life in the village charm of shoreline Connecticut. However their world is turned upside-down when accusations of engaging in “inappropriate behavior” with a male student surface for drama teacher Michael with an amazing performance by Jason Butler Harner. Writer/producer Paul Marcarelli (the Verizon Guy) & producer Molly Pearson will be in attendance for a Q & A following the screening in the museum’s new Alfond Auditorium. See You There!! :)
For Info & Tix: bostonLGBTfilmfest.org

Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Will Obama Meet Lady Gaga on Bullying?

Fierce gay advocate Lady Gaga was so upset with the news about the suicide of 14 year old LGBTQ teen Jamey Rodemeyer that she has called for Obama to pass laws making bullying a hate crime. According to MTV Rodemeyer had posted in May an "It Gets Better" video about his long struggle with bullying at school. He ended his life last Sunday after years of taunting over his sexual orientation. Rodemeyer mentioned Gaga in his video saying, "She makes me so happy. She lets me know that I was born this way. And that's my advice to you from her: You were born this way. All you have to do is hold your head up & you'll go far." Gaga tweeted that she's so upset that she is planning to meet with Obama on the matter. Hopefully he'll take a meeting with her. It's so upsetting that LGBTQ teens are up to 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers…
Updates to Come…
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

The History Project Honors Mary Bonauto

Tonight September 22nd The History Project will celebrate our community & another year of history making accomplishments. The HistoryMaker Award is presented to an individual or organization whose lifetime achievements have had a significant & positive effect on Boston's LGBT communities. This year they will honor Mary Bonauto Civil Rights Project Director at Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD). Representative Liz Malia will be introducing & presenting the award to Mary Bonauto.

This year's Lavender Rhino Award, recognizing an emerging History Maker in Boston's LGBT community will be presented to Maggie Cee, Founder & Artistic Director of The Femme Show. Spectra Adaora Asala will be introducing & presenting the award to Maggie.

Jared Bowen will emcee the HistoryMaker Awards. Jared is an Emmy award-winning reporter with WGBH TV's nightly news magazine program Greater Boston. Join us Thursday Sept. 22nd from 6 - 9 pm at the Goethe Institute Boston 170 Beacon Street
Great Online Auction Items Extended 'til Sept 25th...:)
For Info & Tix: historyproject.org
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
For More Info....
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Celebrities Tweet on DADT Demise

The news is overwhelming with celebrations & stories about the end of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. So we thought we’d share their tweets with you….:)
Ellen DeGeneres tweeted, "Don't Ask Don't Tell is officially over. It's a good day.”
Wanda Sykes agreed. "Congratulations to all of our service members who can now truly be all that you can be. DADT was a hot mess."
Lady Gaga tweeted, "What a tremendous & beautiful day, DADT is officially repealed & the new order is in place. Sending all my love & gratitude to service members."
Jane Lynch wrote, "DADT ... gone! Good riddance."
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Community Celebrates DADT End

Finally the horror of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) has ended & the beginning of a new era for all patriots, including gays & lesbians, can now serve free from the threat of being fired on the basis of sexual orientation. Across the country a hundred events are taking place in all 50 states as repeal supporters celebrate the end of this homophobic law. Take a moment to celebrate even if you can’t get to one of these events. This is a great day for our LGBT community especially for those who are currently serving in our military. Updates to Come...:)
For Events Across the Country…
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
For More Info....
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

The Gay Agenda & The Emmy Awards

First of all the only gay agenda that exists for the LGBT community is full equality. So let's dive into The 63rd Emmy Awards hosted by openly gay icon Jane Lynch. The show began on a high note with a sensational opener that visited the casts of shows up for Emmy awards. Jane Lynch included a short discussion on gay marriage with the cast of Mad Men that took home the Emmy for Best Drama for the 4th year in a row. Then the show went live with with a few notable highlights & a few 'what were they thinking...' Mark Burnett of reality TV shows like Survivor & the Apprentice produced the show. The only real objection I had to the overall concept was when as the Emmy Winners made their way to the stage they had an announcer making jokes about the recipients. That & the rap performance that included humping William H Macy were totally out of place. Jane Lynch did a fab job & there were a few political remarks favoring our LGBT community with the wins or Modern Family who dominated the awards with 5 Emmys for ABC that ended a 8 year winning streak by HBO. Next year keep Jane Lynch but find some writers who have a sense of dignity & class.....:)
The Complete List of Emmy Winners.....
Exclusive Audio Interview with Bob Witeck on Gay Buying Power, how federal marriage equality will help the US economy, LGBT Civil Rights & more ….

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Marriage Can Boost Our Economy

It’s so typical of this country to be at each others throats over the obscene state of our economy when we’re sitting on something that could bring billions of dollars to our nation. That something is gay marriage. Recently we asked Bob Witeck of Witeck & Combs Communications who co-authored “Business Inside Out” considered the handbook on marketing & strategies targeting the LGBT market whether passing marriage equality on the federal level would boost the US Economy. Witeck stated, “Absolutely. Marriage equality is almost a business imperative”. There are millions of gay couples nationwide that would love to be married. Now that America is in debt for trillions let's address this in dollars & cents. An average U.S. couple spends $28,800 for their wedding. This doesn't include the cost for a honeymoon, wedding rings, bridal consultants, wedding planners or hotels for their families & friends. Witeck also states that gay marriage would boost the housing industry as newlyweds would purchase houses & larger homes. Then there are gay couples who marry with children in mind. This would be another source of pumping up the economy for all the kiddie needs like clothing, toys, strollers, cribs, etc. These are challenging financial times & the world needs to find new resources to climb OUT of this mess. Why not tap the LGBT community? Provide all people marriage equality & watch the economy thrive both financially & spiritually. Updates to Come…:)
Listen to the full audio interview with Bob Witeck below....
Exclusive Audio Interview with Bob Witeck on Gay Buying Power, how federal marriage equality will help the US economy, LGBT Civil Rights & more ….

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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