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National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day

By Charlotte Robinson, September 27, 2011
September 27th is National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day. It’s been almost 30 years since the first cases of HIV were reported in gay men. Today new generations of gay men continue to bear the burden of HIV/AIDS in this country. A new CDC report finds that approximately 1 in 5 (19 percent) of gay men in 21 major U.S. cities is infected with HIV & nearly half (44 percent) of them are unaware of their infection. Young gay men & gay men of color are the least likely to know their HIV status. It’s so important to get tested at least once a year or every 3 to 6 months if you are at increased risk because of multiple or anonymous sex partners or use of drugs during sex. In support of National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day we’re running a little give away. Tell us why HIV Awareness Day is important to you in the comments below & LifeStyles Condoms will send a prize pack of their popular SKYN Condoms to the first 5 respondents. (Be sure to include your email address.) So please practice safe sex & use condoms.
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
For More Info....

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Carol Carrozza said...

September 27th is National Gay Men’s HIV Awareness Day. Almost 30 years ago the first cases of HIV were reported in gay men and now a new CDC analysis finds that approximately one in five men who have sex with men is infected with HIV and nearly half (44 percent) of them are unaware of their infection. LifeStyles Condoms hopes these statistics serve as a reminder for sexually active individuals to use protection and please
go get tested!

Tell us why HIV Awareness Day is important to you in the comments below, and LifeStyles will send a prize pack of their popular SKYN Condoms to the first five respondents. ( Be sure to leave your email address.)

Carol Carrozza, VP of Marketing for Ansell Healthcare makers of LifeStyles

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