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Gay Community Celebrates DADT End

By Charlotte Robinson, September 20, 2011
Finally the horror of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) has ended & the beginning of a new era for all patriots, including gays & lesbians, can now serve free from the threat of being fired on the basis of sexual orientation. Across the country a hundred events are taking place in all 50 states as repeal supporters celebrate the end of this homophobic law. Take a moment to celebrate even if you can’t get to one of these events. This is a great day for our LGBT community especially for those who are currently serving in our military. Updates to Come...:)
For Events Across the Country…
Exclusive Audio Chat with Paul Marcarelli, whose new film THE GREEN was recently at the MFA, Boston as part of the Boston LGBT Film Festival & will be released next month.
For More Info....
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


Aubrey Sarvis said...

Today marks the official end of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and is an historic milestone along the journey to achieving LGBT equality in America’s military. Thanks to veterans, active duty, leaders, allies and supporters everywhere, this is a monumental day for our service members and our nation. Indeed, we have taken a tremendous leap forward for LGBT equality in the military. One hundred events are taking place in all 50 states as repeal supporters celebrate the end of this terrible law.

Our work is far from done at Servicemembers Legal Defense Network (SLDN), but today we pay tribute to the service and sacrifice of our patriots as we look forward to a new era of military service – one that honors the contributions of all qualified Americans who have served or who wish to serve.

Aubrey Sarvis SLDN Executive Director

Jim Messina said...

Today, "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is officially over. Gay men and lesbians in the military no longer have to hide who they are, and the servicemembers who were discharged under this policy can re-enlist. This is one of the administration's signature achievements. Countless Americans fought hard to end this law over the course of nearly two decades, and President Obama is proud to have signed the repeal. But today's news isn't just a policy promise kept -- it's a personal promise kept to the thousands of people who needed and deserved this change.

Before my current job, I was in the White House working on getting this done, and I can honestly say that repealing "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is one of the greatest things I have ever been or ever will be a part of. I think about it every time I walk into my office, where I keep one of the pens the President used to sign the bill. It's a reminder that -- as broken as Washington is and as long as change can take -- people and organizations can do amazing things when they work together and never waver from the vision that unites them. There's a lot more to do in the months ahead. But today is one to savor.

Jim Messina Campaign Manager Obama for America

Congresswoman Baldwin said...

Today marks a new chapter in our nation’s continuing quest for equal rights for all. With the end of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,’ America’s armed forces are stronger, our policies are fairer, and our moral compass guides a truer course.

My thoughts, today, are with all those gay men and lesbians who suffered directly or indirectly because of discriminatory policies in our military. The injustice they endured is not undone by today’s events. But, I also think of all the young men and women who now have great opportunities to serve their country and live their lives honestly and openly. I am grateful for this day.

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-Wis) Co-Chair Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus

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