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Sam Champion Weds Rubem Robierb

By Charlotte Robinson, December 23, 2012
There’s something very significant when the Weekend Edition of “ABC World News” closes out their show with the announcement that ABC News weatherman & "Good Morning America" anchor Sam Champion married his partner Rubem Robierb Friday night. They described it as an intimate ceremony attended by his fellow anchors including Robin Roberts who is recovering after a bone marrow transplant. We really have come along way in a short time to announce & celebrate this gay marriage on national television. This is so much more news worthy & positive than reporting on how homophobic the Vatican’s anti gay marriage rants have been this XMAS season. Champion's marriage has become one of the county's most high-profile same-gender unions. New York State Supreme Court Justice George J. Silver conducted the ceremony that took place in Champion's Manhattan apartment. Roberts read a poem by Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Champion & Robierb met through mutual friends several years ago in Miami, where Robierb lives. Born in Brazil, Robierb is an artist who shows his work in Miami, Atlanta, Santa Monica & New York. We announced their engagement in October. They're planning a larger party & celebration over New Years in Miami. Congrats Sam & Rubem!! Updates to Come..:)

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