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Crunch Time For ENDA

By Charlotte Robinson, November 02, 2013

The ongoing saga to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is about to begin once again with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid moving it forward starting this upcoming week. It critical to tell your senators to pass ENDA now. The situation is horrendous with no state laws protecting gay, lesbian, or bisexual people from being fired or denied employment just because of who they are in 29 states & the same appalling situation exists in 33 states for transgender people. This fight has been going on for nearly 2 decades to pass ENDA & guarantee basic workplace protections for hardworking LGBT Americans. This could be an historic vote in the Senate. Allison Herwitt HRC Vice President of Government Affairs stated, “In my seven years leading HRC’s campaigns in Congress, I've witnessed the damage done by having two tiers of equality in this country – a patchwork of laws where some people have basic rights & protections & others do not. But ENDA is more than just a key protection for LGBT people. This is a fight to ensure that no American has to live in fear of losing a job because of who they are or who they love. We've made progress by passing many state & local laws over the years, but people living in the 33 states without full employment non-discrimination laws are still susceptible to the bigoted whims of whoever sits in the boss's chair. This is our best chance in almost 20 years to fix our nation's employment discrimination laws. Tell the Senate: Secure equality in the workplace NOW by passing ENDA”. Updates To Come…:)
Listen: Margaret Cho Addresses LGBT Equality & More
 Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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