We always have something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day but this year our LGBT community has historically moved closer to equality in this country. As we celebrated 10 years of marriage equality in Massachusetts 15 other states have passed gay marriage. The US Supreme Court has ruled Prop 8 & DOMA unconstitutional & the federal government has finally recognized legally married gay & lesbian couples with federal rights & benefits for their families. Without a doubt these are amazing achievements but our work will not end until we have achieved marriage equality in all 50 states. As ENDA the Employment Non-Discrimination Act slowly moves forward in Washington we will not be safe until this bill passes providing a safe workplace environment for all of our LGBT community, regardless on whom they choose to love.
As we continue our momentum to full equality in this country we must keep on educating those who just don’t get it until they do. My grandmother always said everyone wants the same thing; “A roof over their heads, food in their bellies & someone to love.” Let’s all remember that simple definition of life as we enjoy this holiday. So from our family to yours have a Fabulous & Safe Thanksgiving Day....:)
Listen: LGBT NOH8 Campaign Celebrates Five Years
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
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