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LGBT U.S. Immigration Event

By Charlotte Robinson, November 21, 2013

While Congress debates legislation to reform our broken immigration system it's imperative that safeguards for vulnerable groups like LGBT immigrants are considered. The Center for American Progress is having a special event entitled “Dignity Denied: LGBT Immigrants in U.S. Immigration Detention” on Wednesday Nov. 25th from Noon to 1:30P at 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor in Washington, D.C. Experts, stakeholders & members of the LGBT community will discuss the dangers that LGBT immigrants face in our current immigrant detention system including what has been done so far & ways to improve the system going forward. A new report on the topic will also be released. There will be a personal reflection by Krypcia a transgender asylum seeker who was kept in solitary confinement. Feature speakers will also include, Olga Tomchin, Soros Fellow, Transgender Law Center, Royce Murray, Policy Director, National Immigrant Justice Center & Christina Fialho, Co-Founder/ Executive Director, Community Initiatives for Visiting Immigrants in Confinement. The event will be moderated by Sharita Gruberg, Policy Analyst, LGBT Immigration Project at the Center for American Progress. The Department of Homeland Security detains on average, 34,000 people each day in immigration detention facilities. These facilities are treacherous environments for LGBT immigrants who are vulnerable to abuse & mistreatment due to their sexual orientation or gender identity. Reports of abuse from attorneys & complaints against Immigration & Customs Enforcement revealed through Freedom of Information Act requests paint a picture of the dangers LGBT immigrants face in ICE custody. In response to these problems, ICE has taken numerous steps to address the particular needs & vulnerabilities of LGBT immigrants, but more reforms are needed. Space is extremely limited. RSVP required. A light lunch will be served at 11:30A.
To RSVP & INFO: americanprogress.org 
Listen: Ann Hampton Callaway Her Music & LGBT Issues

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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