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Transgender Awareness Week

By Charlotte Robinson, November 12, 2013

Taking place nationwide from Nov. 12th to the 20th, Transgender Awareness Week aims to educate the public about the transgender community & the issues the community faces. The Massachusetts Transgender Equal Rights Coalition marked the start of the annual Transgender Awareness week by calling on the legislature to pass the Equal Access Bill (H. 1589/S. 643), which would protect transgender people from discrimination in places of public accommodation. It culminates in the annual Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day when people around the globe gather for candlelight vigils to memorialize those transgender people who lost their lives to bias-related violence in the past year. This year’s Day of Remembrance will pay tribute to nearly 50 victims. Mason Dunn, Executive Director of the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition stated, “Transgender Awareness Week is about increasing the visibility of the transgender community but unfortunately, many transgender people still fear being visible because it puts them at risk for violence, harassment & discrimination. In Massachusetts, 58 percent of respondents in a transgender discrimination survey reported being harassed and mistreated in public places like buses, airports, government agencies & restaurants. The legislature can help make Commonwealth safer & more accepting by passing the Equal Access Bill. All residents of the Commonwealth, including transgender people, need access to public places & services without fear of harassment or being made to leave simply because of who they are.”
For More Info: masstpc.org
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