The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled today that the Land of Enchantment becomes the 17th state to pass marriage equality. John Hamiga from Marriage Equality USA stated,
"I was raised in New Mexico & I have been waiting for marriage equality to become a reality. I wrote to members of the New Mexico Congressional delegation in support of the freedom to marry during the DOMA debate in 1996. Today I'm celebrating my home state of New Mexico becoming the 17th marriage equality state in the union." MEUSA Executive Director Brian Silva stated, "The 2013 marriages began when Doña Ana County Clerk Lynn Ellins began issuing marriage licenses with the simple declaration: 'I took an oath to uphold the Constitution.' Today, the New Mexico Supreme Court has done the same -- upheld the Constitution, and fulfilled its promise of fairness & the pursuit of happiness for all." MEUSA Legal & Policy Director John Lewis concluded: "County by county & wedding by wedding, we are seeing couples & clerks & judges bringing to life in their actions the words of the U.S. Supreme Court's Windsor decision 'to protect in personhood & dignity,' not just in marriage but in all aspects of our lives. Justice Kennedy wrote: 'Responsibilities, as well as rights, enhance the dignity & integrity of the person.' How fitting that a New Mexico judge then wrote: 'There is no benefit to the parties or the public interest in having this matter progress through a lengthy path of litigation while basic constitutional rights are being compromised or denied on a daily basis.' What a wonderful reminder that as we celebrate love & marriage in more states than ever before, in the end the marriage cases are about so much more than marriage - they are about our full humanity."
For More Info:marriageequality.org
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