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Vladimir Putin Tops Anti Gay List

By Charlotte Robinson, December 15, 2013

The Advocate's annual Phobie Awards have been announced for the 13 biggest homophobes of the year & topping the list is Russia’s anti gay President Vladimir Putin. As you know Putin has enforced obscene anti gay laws in Russia. Gay Icon Harvey Fierstein blasted Putin for declaring war on our Russian LGBT community stating, “Mr. Putin’s campaign against lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people is one of distraction, a strategy of demonizing a minority for political gain taken straight from the Nazi playbook... Historically this kind of scapegoating is used by politicians to solidify their bases & draw attention away from their failing policies, & no doubt this is what’s happening in Russia.” Soon all this homophobia will play out on the global stage at the Sochi Olympic games. Additional Phobie Award Winners Include: Senator Marco Rubio, Justice Antonin Scalia, Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli & bishop E.W. Jackson who fortunately lost their bid for governor & lieutenant governor in November, Dictator Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, the California based right-wing org Pacific Justice Institute that targeted a transgender 16-year-old in Colorado, claiming she was "harassing" other female students in the bathroom, French comedian Frigide Barjot who led massive protest rallies in opposition of marriage equality in France, New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan, Pat Robertson who never ceases to amaze us with his obscene hatred of our community, author Orson Scott Card, Bryan Fischer who’s a radio personality & spokesman for the "hate group" American Family Association, Minister Scott Lively who has fueled the antigay climate in Uganda & spoken proudly of helping to inspire Russia’s “gay propaganda” law & from Texas Louie Gohmert the prime contender for the title of most homophobic member of Congress for his antigay rants this year, including attempting to link marriage equality to bestiality & polygamy, gay Boy Scouts to pedophilia & hate-crimes laws to the end of religious freedom.
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