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Florida’s Anti Gay Attorney General

With all the advancements towards full marriage equality across the country Florida is dealing with an unenlightened Attorney General who believes that "Gay marriage would cause harm". Equality Florida responds to AG Pam Bondi's dated position stating, “Court after court across the country has found that there is no legal basis to deny some Americans the dignity of marriage to the person he or she loves, yet Florida’s attorney general continues to hold on to unfounded arguments to legitimize a law that serves no purpose but to discriminate. To quote U.S. District Judge Arenda L. Wright Allen, who ruled against Virginia's ban on marriage equality, ‘We have arrived upon another moment in history when ‘We the People’ becomes more inclusive, and our freedom more perfect.’ Judges appointed by Republicans & Democrats alike have come to the inescapable conclusion - 19 times in a row - that such bans are wrong & constitutionally indefensible. Attorneys General in states across the country have upheld their duty to the U.S. Constitution by refusing to defend a law that so clearly violates basic rights. We call on Attorney General Pam Bondi to reconsider this stand in this defining moment. A defense of the indefensible only squanders our state's resources & delays justice for hundreds of thousands of Florida families. The majority of Floridians stand with us in support of marriage equality. We look forward to our day in court and are confident that equality under the law will prevail.” Let AG Pam Bondi know how wrong she is & she should watch our historic gay marriage video & learn something...

Contact AG Pam Bondi: myfloridalegal.com 
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Still Bias Against LGBT Workers

Once again Exxon Mobil shareholders denied workplace protections for its lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, or LGBT, employees this week. Tico Almeida, President of Freedom to Work stated, “An executive order by President Barack Obama would force Exxon Mobil to adopt LGBT workplace protections in order to continue profiting from hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer-funded contracts. Exxon’s leadership has rejected these common-sense nondiscrimination policies year after year, even though their competitors at Chevron and BP understand that banning discrimination is good for business. It’s time for presidential leadership to move Exxon to accept the American value that everybody deserves a fair shot in the workplace.” A new report “A Broken Bargain: Unchecked Discrimination Against LGBT Workers” documents how LGBT workers continue to face unfair treatment, harassment & discrimination, yet no federal law provides them with explicit legal protections. It was co-authored by MAP, the Center for American Progress, Freedom to Work & the Human Rights Campaign in partnership with the National Center for Transgender Equality & Out & Equal Workplace Advocates. Ineke Mushovic, Executive Director of the Movement Advancement Project, or MAP stated, “Fewer than half of states have laws protecting workers based on sexual orientation & gender identity/expression. The states without employment protections are home to more than half of the nation’s LGBT population, including many who experience extreme discrimination & high rates of poverty. Policymakers from the municipal to federal level must address the critical need for employment protections.”  
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Listen: Boston Pride “Be Yourself, Change the World”

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Laverne Cox TIME Cover (Audio)

Our good friend & LGBT activist Laverne Cox is gracing the cover of TIME Magazine in a story by Katy Steinmetz entitled THE TRANSGENDER TIPPING POINT America's Next Civil Rights Frontier, which addresses transgender awareness in America. It’s estimated that out of 1.5 million trans people in the U.S. nearly 1 in 4 say they have lost a job because of their gender status. Trans activists are now pushing for new policies in schools, hospitals, workplaces & the military. TIME's cover story traces this cultural sea change telling the stories of trans people across America, including Orange Is the New Black actor Laverne Cox, a Google software-engineer, a former National Guardsman & a 17 year-old trans girl who made history as homecoming queen. Laverne stated, "We are in a place now where more & more trans people want to come forward & say, ‘This is who I am.’ And more trans people are willing to tell their stories. More of us are living visibly & pursuing our dreams visibly, so people can say, ‘Oh yeah, I know someone who is trans.’ When people have points of reference that are humanizing, that demystifies difference.”
Read TIME Article… Cox was honored with GLAAD’s Stephen F. Kolzak Award in LA in April. Earlier this month I talked to Laverne on the Red Carpet at the NYC GLAAD Media Awards about how she was dealing with her fabulous career in this exclusive audio byte:
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USA Network Pride Campaign

USA Network’s award-winning Characters Unite public service campaign is expanding its partnership with CB2, the modern home furnishing & accessories destination to celebrate Pride Month for the second consecutive year with a multi-platform promotion to combat hate & discrimination. Through in-store, on-air & digital efforts, the month-long initiative will aim to foster greater tolerance & acceptance & benefit GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network), the leading national education organization focused on ensuring safe schools for all students. Toby Graff, USA Network’s Senior VP of Public Affairs, “We are proud to continue our partnership with CB2 for the second year in a row to celebrate Pride Month & to help stop hate & discrimination while promoting greater tolerance & respect. As bullying continues to be a major issue in schools, it’s more important than ever to work with organizations, such as GLSEN, to make schools safer for all students.” CB2 stores nationwide will be holding special events & promotions throughout the month of June highlighting the Characters Unite “I Won’t Stand For…” initiative to combat hate & discrimination & CB2’s “Room for All” message that unkindness of any type should not be accepted. GLSEN has also partnered with independent film company Genius Pictures & Melke Pty Ltd to co-produce a feature length film version of the multiple award winning viral anti-bullying short LOVE IS ALL YOU NEED?. The short received over 30 million views on YouTube. There's currently an Indiegogo crowd-funding campaign going on to reach their goal of $250,000. This is a fabulous opportunity to get involved & help end the LGBT teen bullying epidemic.
LISTEN: Filmmaker Joins Forces w/ GLSEN to End Bullying

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Gay Icon Stormé Delarverie Dies

When I lived in New York City during the 1980’s I had the privilege of knowing Stormé Delarverie. During that time Stormé was an institution at the lesbian bars The Duchess & The Cubby Hole as security working the door & keeping you in line with her no-nonsense look. Sometimes I would have a conversation with her about what it was like to be gay before & after The Stonewall Riots. She was often referred to as the "Rosa Parks" of the gay rights movement. Stormé is credited for having thrown one of the first punches during the Stonewall Uprising in June 1969. She was not someone who tolerated injustice though she faced it on an almost daily basis throughout much of her life. Stormé was a black lesbian who often appeared as a black man although she could easily have passed for a white woman; she chose not to do so. Her love of people made Stormé an advocate & she stood up to all injustice whenever she encountered or heard about it. Stormé was a fierce woman who stood up for our LGBT community on countless occasions. She passed away peacefully in her sleep on the morning of Saturday, May 24th. She was 93. A celebration of her life & contributions to the modern Gay Civil Rights Movement will be held on Thursday, May 29th from 7-9P at the Greenwich Village Funeral Home, 199 Bleecker Street New York, NY. All are welcomed.
LISTEN: ESPN Sports Writer Kate Fagan Speaks OUT

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Cher & Cyndi Lauper Rock

Last night Cher played Las Vegas with special guest Cyndi Lauper as her opening act. When we arrived at The Tropicana last week our room overlooked the huge 3-story video marquis at the MGM where the concert took place. After days of hypnotic advertising of the Cher billboard we gave in & were able to obtain a couple of tickets for this fabulous concert featuring these 2 legendary divas & fierce gay allies. Cher’s Dressed to Kill Tour is the eighth solo concert tour by our favorite pop icon to promote her 26th studio album, Closer to the Truth. Lauper is celebrating the 30th anniversary of her 1983 debut album She's So Unusual, which made her a household name. Lauper’s performance included just about every hit song from that classic album & her voice was timeless. She also addressed the amazing work that she does for LGBT homeless youth & her current Broadway hit Kinky Boots. Then Cher’s show began with her rising atop a pedestal in a glittering gown & feathered headdress singing "Woman's World" surrounded by dancers & back-up vocalists. Next she performed "Strong Enough" the feminist anthem just before a brief monologue with the audience. Cher talked about this really being her last tour but who knows for sure. Cher’s lavishly staged concert included just about every hit the pop icon has ever done. The concert concluded with Cher circling the huge arena in an open wired platform allowing the entire audience a close-up experience. This is a spectacular must-see event you really don’t want to miss especially if it just may be her last concert tour.

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New Anti Gay Boy Scout Leader

Former U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates has taken a giant step backwards in his new position as president of the Boy Scouts of America by confirming he will not end the ban on gay scout leaders. Gates who was instrumental in ending the homophobic & discriminatory "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy that kept gays & lesbians from serving openly in the U.S. military & last year strongly supported to lift the BSA ban on gay youth members said he will continue the BSA ban on LGBT scout leaders. Zach Wahls, Executive Director of Scouts For Equality & an Eagle Scout himself stated, "This is a cop out & it tarnishes the legacy Mr. Gates has built as a leader who bridged cultural & political divides & led the military & now the Boy Scouts into the 21st century.” Jennifer Tyrrell the gay Ohio mom ousted by the Boy Scouts of America in 2012 stated,"This isn't just about Boy Scouts this is about equality in all aspects of life. Boy Scouts of America needs to realize that they're sending a dangerous message to children by telling them that they're not good enough. I am making sure no parent ever has to look their child in the eye & say we're not good enough. You have no idea how much that hurts because Alicia & I are good enough & these kids, that we're raising, are amazing. Ask anyone." I spoke to Jennifer Tyrrell about this at the GLAAD Awards in NYC in this exclusive audio byte:

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Pennsylvania Affirms Gay Marriage

Judge John E. Jones ruled that Pennsylvania’s laws barring loving, supportive gay & lesbian couples from civil marriage violate the due process & equal protection clauses of the U.S. Constitution. Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett has decided not to appeal the district court ruling striking down the commonwealth’s ban on marriage equality. Which makes Pennsylvania the 19th state where marriage equality is the law joining 18 other states & the District of Columbia. Governor Corbett stated, “I have thoroughly reviewed Judge Jones’ opinion in the Whitewood case. Given the high legal threshold set forth by Judge Jones in this case, the case is extremely unlikely to succeed on appeal. Therefore, after review of the opinion & on the advice of my Commonwealth legal team, I have decided not to appeal Judge Jones’ decision.” John Lewis, Marriage Equality USA Legal & Policy Director stated, “Since the United States Supreme Court struck down DOMA last year, the verdict of all 13 federal trial courts who have addressed marriage equality has been unanimous: liberty & justice for all. Governor Corbett's decision today is particularly significant because it shows that all branches of our government and society are now embracing the freedom to marry.” Brian Silva MEUSA Executive Director concluded, "As the momentum for equality under the law accelerates day after day, we know this is no time to rest but rather a critical moment in time to redouble our efforts to win full equality in all aspects of our lives for all Americans. This latest in the unbroken series of recent victories comes thanks to the hard work of the coalition led by the ACLU, our partners Marriage Equality for Pennsylvania & our personal stories that are changing the hearts & minds of America every day."
Congrats Pennsylvania!! :)
For More Info: marriageequality.org
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Gay Las Vegas Matinée Festival

The hottest gay destination this Memorial Weekend is Las Vegas for MATINÉE LAS VEGAS FESTIVAL the biggest dance event of the summer, which runs Friday May 23rd thru Monday May 26th. This festival has become world famous for re-imagining the elaborate party experience with blazing pyrotechnics & production by Matinée Ibiza. Matinee Las Vegas features eight parties, 20 DJs & welcomes thousands of LGBT partiers from around the world. The four-day festival kicks off at Share Nightclub with main events at Havana Room at The New Tropicana, Rain at the Palms Casino Resort & Rumor Hotel. Paul Nicholls part of the production team behind Matinée North America stated, “In todays over technologized world, people want a real interactive experience. We combine fantasy elements from concerts, theatrical stage shows, Hollywood films & even video games into one giant offline spectacle.” Promoter Jake Resnicow added, "A Matinée party is all about awe & extravagance. We partner with the hottest & most cutting-edge acts from around the world. It will be breathtaking." MATINÉE LAS VEGAS FESTIVAL will play host to over 8,000 clubbers dancing to twenty of the world’s leading DJs at eight high-energy party events. Matinée is asking fans to “feel the revolution” this Memorial Day – the party revolution, that is. We’ll be in Las Vegas covering all the festivities with pix & updates for OUTTAKE VOICES throughout the weekend. This is an extravaganza you won’t want to miss. See You There…:)
For More Info: matineevegas.com
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Oregon Rules For Gay Marriage

Oregon affectionately know as “The Beaver State” has become the 18th US state to make marriage equality a reality effective immediately. US District Judge Michael McShane rules in a 26 page decision found that Oregon’s statutes & constitutional amendment banning the freedom to marry violate the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. McShane also understands that marriage equality is not only about civil rights & civil equality but about love, devotion & family as well. In a poetic, moving & deeply personal conclusion, Judge McShane professed, “At the core of the Equal Protection Clause… there exists a foundational belief that certain rights should be shielded from the barking crowds; that certain rights are subject to ownership by all & not the stake hold of popular trend or shifting majorities… I believe that if we can look for a moment past gender & sexuality, we can see in these plaintiffs nothing more or less than our own families. Families who we would expect our Constitution to protect, if not exalt, in equal measure. With discernment we see not shadows luring in closets or the stereotypes of what was once believed; rather, we see families committed to the common purpose of love, devotion & service to the greater community…. Let us look less to the sky to see what might fall; rather, let us look to each other… & rise.” Congrats!!
LISTEN: ESPN Sports Writer Kate Fagan Speaks OUT

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LGBTQ World Pride Toronto 2014

The Canadian city of Toronto is opening its arms to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, intersex, queer, questioning, two-spirited & allies communities next month for WorldPride 2014. Between June 20th & 29th more than a million people from around the globe are expected to gather downtown & in neighborhoods throughout the city to take part in what promises to be an unforgettable celebration of LGBTQ Pride. Kevin Beaulieu, Executive Director of Pride Toronto stated, “We always hear from our LGBTQ visitors how welcoming, surprising & exciting Toronto is, which makes it the ideal host for the first WorldPride to be held in North America. It’s a chance for people from every corner of the planet to celebrate what has been achieved & strengthen their resolve for the future – in a multicultural city that wears its commitment to equality, openness & diversity with pride every day.” Canada which is one of the first countries to legalize gay & lesbian marriages in modern times & Toronto which has one of the world’s largest Pride parades & renowned for its diversity is hosting this ten-day extravaganza turning the city’s streets into parades, parks in to parties & strangers into friends. Headliners in a jam-packed free entertainment program will include artists Melissa Etheridge, Tegan & Sara, k.d. lang, Martha Wash, Carly Rae Jepsen & Chely Wright appearing on 10 open-air stages. WorldPride 2014 Events: Opening Ceremony on June 20th, WorldPride Gala & Awards on June 25th, WorldPride Human Rights Conference June 25th to 27th, Trans Pride on June 27th, Dyke March on June 28th & WorldPride Parade on June 29th.
For More Info: worldpridetoronto.com 
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Must-See Gay Marriage Short Film

Today May 17, 2014 we celebrate a momentous event in Massachusetts’ long & proud history. Ten years ago gay & lesbian couples were allowed to marry for the first time in Massachusetts & in the United States. I shot this historic film in 2004 covering the protests both pro & con on the steps of the State House to Cambridge City Hall at the stroke of midnight documenting the first couples in the country to receive a marriage licenses. Then we shot the first gay & lesbian couples marrying at Boston City Hall. It was a joyous occasion & history in the making. Over the past ten years we’ve made remarkable progress toward LGBT equality. Nearly half the country now lives in states that allow gay & lesbian couples to wed. “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has been repealed & DOMA was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. Now many LGBT families are raising their kids with amazing federal & state rights & protections. Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair of Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus & one of the architects of gay marriage narrated this fast-moving short. In reflection Isaacson stated, “People needed to see that nothing bad happened when we got married & furthermore that many good things in fact happened. It was only after the first weddings took place & after former governor Mitt Romney, a gay-marriage opponent, left office & that political leaders & voters alike embraced the rights of gays to marry. It wasn’t scary anymore.”
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Gay Marriage First Ten Years

Massachusetts is celebrating the 10th anniversary of marriage equality on May 17th. It was a watershed moment in the history of civil rights when the landmark Goodridge ruling designated the constitutional right of gay & lesbian marriages in Massachusetts & at midnight on May 16, 2004 Cambridge, MA was the first city in the United States to issue marriage licenses for gay & lesbian couples. We were there & watch our historic award-winning short film entitled OUTTAKE: Gay Marriage 2004 shot from midnight on May 17th 2004 in Cambridge & throughout the day in Boston when marriage equality became the law in Massachusetts. To celebrate this milestone for marriage equality the city of Cambridge is celebrating with events happening on Friday May 16th at City Hall where it all began. From 5P to 7:30P at Cambridge City Hall, 795 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge Mayor David P. Maher invites you to the 10th anniversary of the first gay & lesbian marriages in the United States featuring remarks by Mary Bonauto, GLAD Civil Rights Project Director & lead counsel in Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health. Mayor Maher stated, “Cambridge was the first city in the United States to issue marriage licenses due to the incredible efforts of Mary Bonauto as lead counsel in the Goodridge case. We are honored to host this celebration & I am especially proud that Attorney Bonauto will be our keynote speaker. I cannot think of a more fitting person to celebrate this occasion in Cambridge.” Justices of the Peace will be present & will perform marriage & renewal ceremonies. There will be refreshments & live music as well. WATCH HISTORIC VIDEO:
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Sip The Rainbow Event (VIDEO)

In Boston the annual Sip the Rainbow takes place May 16th at the BCAE on the eve of the 10th Anniversary of the first gay & lesbian marriages in Massachusetts. Enjoy signature cocktails in colors of the Pride flag as you mix & mingle your way through a lively celebration of an historic moment in our community & the nation. There will also be a special preview of two photo exhibits featuring the work of Marilyn Humphries & Susan Symonds. Photographer Joel Benjamin is also exhibiting his work. It’s all happening Friday, May 16th from 6P to 8P at Boston Center for Adult Education 122 Arlington Street in Boston. Then on May 20th there will be another event at BCAE entitled “A Public Conversation: 10 Years of Gay Marriage” from 6:30P to 8P. This special lecture & discussion program takes a look back at the dramatic victory in the fight for marriage equality as it played out from the extraordinary ruling by the Massachusetts Supreme Court in the Goodridge case to the euphoric first weddings on May 17, 2004. Hear personal accounts from some of the major players, including plaintiffs Rob Compton, David Wilson, Hillary Goodridge, & Julie Goodridge with former Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Justice John M. Greaney. The event is moderated by Jared Bowen, Executive Editor & Host of the WGBH weekly television series Open Studio. Now watch our historic award-winning short film entitled "OUTTAKE: Gay Marriage 2004" shot from midnight on May 17, 2004 in Cambridge & throughout the day in Boston when marriage equality became the law in Massachusetts.
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Lambda Literary Awards Event

The 26th Annual Lambda Literary Awards will be presented on Monday June 2nd in NYC at The Great Hall at Cooper Union honoring the best in LGBT literature. Alison Bechdel will receive the Foundation’s Trustee Award for Excellence in Literature & Kate Bornstein will receive the Pioneer Award. Tony Valenzuela, Executive Director of Lambda stated, “This year’s special honorees, Alison Bechdel & Kate Bornstein, are groundbreaking writers, artists & LGBT advocates. We are privileged to celebrate their tremendous contributions at this year’s Lammy Awards.” Bechdel & Bornstein will be honored along with the winning authors of 24 separate LGBT literary categories as determined by over 90 judges. The Lammys bring together over 450 attendees, sponsors & celebrities to celebrate excellence in LGBT literature, making it the most glamorous & prestigious LGBT literary event in the world. The awards will be hosted for the third year in a row by comedienne Kate Clinton. Clinton is a Lambda Medal Previous Lammy finalist & 2010 Pioneer Award recipient. She returns to reprise her role as master of ceremonies with her signature brand of topical, political comedy. Clinton will share the stage with a glittering line up of awards presenters who hail from the worlds of literature, theatre, politics, film, adult entertainment & television including Masha Gessen, A.M. Homes, David Mixner, Seth Rudetsky, Ira Silverberg & Urvashi Vaid. A VIP After-Party presented by Scholastic will immediately follow the ceremony. There will also be a special performance by Justin Vivian Bond.
For More Info: lambdaliterary.org
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Mayor Annise Parker Speaks OUT

Mayor Annise Parker Houston’s openly gay politician is gracing the cover of the upcoming June/July issue of The Advocate. Parker has proven she’s not going away any time soon serving as the mayor of the largest city in Texas. Parker began her career as a very visible lesbian activist during the 1980s & talks about how due to her experience & expertise, a lesbian Democrat was the sensible choice for Houston. Parker states, “As my public profile went up, Houston’s public profile went up. When I was elected more than four years ago, it got worldwide media attention. The entertainment-focused media on the West Coast & the news-focused media on the East Coast – neither side paid much attention to what happened down in Houston except to make fun of us. I was able to give people a glimpse of a different kind of Houston & suddenly we started popping up on ‘best of’ lists.” Though interest in her sexual orientation increased when she ran for mayor, Parker had always been open & honest about her identity throughout her political career & she encourages others to follow her example. Her deliberate frankness about her lesbian identity turned it into an asset, or at least neutralized homophobic attacks. “You have to know who you are & be comfortable with who you are before you enter a political race,” Parker notes. “I talk to potential GLBT candidates & they’ll say things like, ‘My sexual orientation is nobody’s business. My sexual orientation is not going to be a subject of the campaigns & I’m just not going to talk about it.’ I’m sorry, that’s not a good enough answer. The worst thing is for anybody to feel that you’re hiding something or there’s something that you’re ashamed of addressing in your past.”
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USA Gay Mother’s Day 2014

As our LGBT community celebrates Mother’s Day in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been the law for 10 years since 2004 we worry about our community in the southern red states. In states like Mississippi, Alabama & Arkansas gay couples like Mississippians Joce & Carla live in constant fear…fear that their kids will be taken from them by the state if they live too openly…that Joce’s business will suffer if she’s too vocal about who she is…even that people who don’t approve of their “lifestyle” could physically harm them or their kids. HRC has launched Project One America—their bold new civil rights campaign to dramatically expand lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender (LGBT) equality to Mississippi, Alabama & Arkansas. When Joce & Carla decided to have kids, none of the fertility specialists in town would treat “unmarried women” with in vitro-fertilization, so they had to travel back & forth to New Orleans. Today their children can only have Carla’s last name as their middle name. Though Carla is their biological mother—the couple decided that Joce would carry Carla’s eggs—she is not considered a parent in the eyes of the law in Mississippi. Mississippi, Alabama & Arkansas have no local or state laws that protect LGBT individuals from discrimination in the workplace, housing or public accommodations & each state’s constitution expressly prohibits marriage equality. Joce & Carla are no different from their neighbors in Mississippi—who are holding down jobs, raising families & contributing to their communities. They deserve to have the same equal rights in the state that they love that heterosexual have.
For More Info. hrc.org
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Michael Sam Joins NFL Rams

Finally Michael Sam becomes the first openly gay player drafted to National Football League. The St. Louis Rams picked Michael Sam the Missouri defensive lineman. The announcement by NFL Vice President of Game Operations Mike Kensil was met with overwhelming cheers from the crowd at Radio City Music Hall in NYC where the draft was held. Rams coach Jeff Fisher stated, "In a world of diversity we live in, I am honored to be a part of this." Sarah Kate Ellis GLAAD President & CEO stated, "Without a doubt, this is a game changer. Today, Michael Sam has redefined what it takes to be a champion. He's tackled stereotypes & joins the ranks of athletic trailblazers like Jason Collins & Brittney Griner in showing Americans that there's no place for homophobia on the field. As support for equality continues to surge, it's clear that sports fans are ready, football is ready & America is ready for its first openly gay NFL player." Sam is the among several high-profile athletes to come out as LGBT recently with others including the NBA's Jason Collins, the WNBA's Brittney Griner, NCAA Division I basketball player Derrick Gordon, WWE's Darren Young, UFC's Liz Carmouche, MMA's Fallon Fox & Major League Soccer's Robbie Rogers. Updates to Come…:)
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Confex LGBT Business Expo 2014

LGBT Confex the producers of the LGBT Business Expo which is Latin America’s leading LGBT business & tourism event, are currently participating at this year’s Tianguis Turistico. This marks the first time an LGBT-focused company participates in this conference at this this level highlighting how important the segment has become for the country home to Puerto Vallarta, Cancun & Mexico City. The 4th International LGBT Business Expo is taking place from June 12th to the 14th in Vallarta-Nayarit, Mexico. The event has attracted a large number of international companies & organizations including, Aeromexico, American Express, Human Rights Campaign, Familias Unidas, United Airlines, IBM, Google, Out & Equal, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, US Department of State as well as representatives from Las Vegas, San Francisco, Puerto Rico, Fort Lauderdale, Berlin, the Czech Republic, Riviera Nayarit & Puerto Vallarta. Also participating are the Mexican Tour Operators DiverCity & Leemba Travel & the corporate offices of the Hard Rock Hotels & Marriott International, with Casa Magana hosting the expo. Ruben Sandoval, CEO of LGBT Confex stated, “LGBT travel is one of the most important emerging markets around the world & through the past 3 years of the LGBT Business Expo, we are confident that Mexico is ready to reaffirm its place as one of leading destinations for this market.” LGBT Confex has strategically partnered with OutNow, the world's leading LGBT consulting & marketing company, to increase understanding of the LGBT Market in Mexico. In addition, this year marks the first time the company has retained a Representation agency in the US & Canadian with ENroute Communications.
For More Info: lgbtconfex.com
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MEUSA Honors NYC Mayor

Marriage Equality USA announced that New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio will accept the 2014 Ally Honoree Award at the 16th Annual National Gala on May 19th in NYC. Brian Silva MEUSA Executive Director stated, “Mayor de Blasio has a long & impressive record supporting the LGBT community & the marriage equality movement. He worked tirelessly to establish New York City´s domestic partner registry & extend benefits to same gender partners, as well as personally lobbying state legislators to make marriage equality a reality in New York State.” Mayor de Blasio added, “I am proud that our state has embraced marriage equality & I applaud the work of organizations like Marriage Equality USA that fought to make this goal a reality. I am deeply honored to accept this award & look forward to working alongside the LGBTQ community to ensure our city continues to embrace all New Yorkers.” Jane Wishon MEUSA Board President concluded, “As Mayor, Bill de Blasio has recommitted his efforts to support the community including increasing support for LGBT youth & seniors, expanding affordable health care & continuing to ensure LGBT families get the support & recognition for their relationships.” Mayor de Blasio is joining fellow honorees Cathy Marino-Thomas, the Imperial Court of New York & Love & Pride at the 2014 National Gala. The National Gala will take place at the Copacabana 268 W 47th St in NYC on Monday May 19th From 6P with a VIP Reception & 7P for the General Reception with Dinner & Awards Starting at 7:45P.
For More Info & Tix: marriageequality.org 
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