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Oregon Rules For Gay Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, May 19, 2014

Oregon affectionately know as “The Beaver State” has become the 18th US state to make marriage equality a reality effective immediately. US District Judge Michael McShane rules in a 26 page decision found that Oregon’s statutes & constitutional amendment banning the freedom to marry violate the U.S. Constitution’s Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. McShane also understands that marriage equality is not only about civil rights & civil equality but about love, devotion & family as well. In a poetic, moving & deeply personal conclusion, Judge McShane professed, “At the core of the Equal Protection Clause… there exists a foundational belief that certain rights should be shielded from the barking crowds; that certain rights are subject to ownership by all & not the stake hold of popular trend or shifting majorities… I believe that if we can look for a moment past gender & sexuality, we can see in these plaintiffs nothing more or less than our own families. Families who we would expect our Constitution to protect, if not exalt, in equal measure. With discernment we see not shadows luring in closets or the stereotypes of what was once believed; rather, we see families committed to the common purpose of love, devotion & service to the greater community…. Let us look less to the sky to see what might fall; rather, let us look to each other… & rise.” Congrats!!
LISTEN: ESPN Sports Writer Kate Fagan Speaks OUT

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1 comment:

Marilyn said...

Cheers for Judge McShane! Thanks for sharing this news.

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