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Gay Marriage Adds 5 States

By Charlotte Robinson, October 06, 2014
Virginia, Utah, Oklahoma, Wisconsin & Indiana marriage equality cases have been denied review by the U.S. Supreme Court which means that gay & lesbian marriage will soon begin in 5 more American states. Theodore Olson Plaintiff’s lead co-counsel in the Virginia case stated, “This is a momentous victory for the constitutional promise of equality, dignity & justice for all Americans. Today, I am proud to call myself a Virginian. With the Commonwealth’s discriminatory marriage ban finally & conclusively struck down, we are one giant step closer to the day that all Americans, not just Virginians, can enjoy their right to marriage equality under the law.” David Boies, Virginia Plaintiff’s lead co-counsel added, “Those who drew & ratified our Constitution over two centuries ago set out to form a more perfect Union. Today, that goal has once again been realized. The unjust & unlawful discrimination imposed by laws like Virginia’s marriage ban have seen their final days. Our Constitution promises freedom & justice for all & today that promise was fulfilled for thousands of gay & lesbian Virginians & their families.” Congressman  Mark Pocan (WI-02), co-chair of the Congressional LGBT Equality Caucus concluded, “Full equality is here to stay in Wisconsin. The Supreme Court’s rejection of Attorney General Van Hollen’s appeal puts an end to a dark chapter in Wisconsin’s history where many are treated as second-class citizens simply based on who they choose to love. Today’s ruling reaffirms we are all equal under the law.” The Supreme Court decision could make it possible for marriage equality in 30 states. Updates to Come…:)
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & Our Fabulous Gay Wedding
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