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Harvey Milk’s Castro Street Fair

By Charlotte Robinson, October 04, 2014
The Castro Street Fair is always held on the first Sunday in October & is part of the enduring legacy of Harvey Milk, who founded the Fair in 1974. It’ll be held on October 5th at the corner of Castro & Mission Streets from 11A to 6P in San Francisco. The street fair seeks to honor Milk’s original vision that embodies all that is San Francisco & the Castro, which is an historical, hyper-local, grass-roots event, built to support & reflect the community & its important causes. Like the other flagship LGBT events in the city, part of its mission is to raise money for local non-profits. Every year the Fair supports 20 to 25 beneficiary groups in addition to helping fund the iconic rainbow flag that flies at the corner of Market & Castro. The Castro Street Fair has raised over one million dollars since 1998, a feat that could not have been accomplished without the generous gate donations of attendees. The Castro Street Fair will be a "frooty" good time this year, with performers such as Aiden James, Big Dipper & feel-good cover band Pop Rocks. Local luminary DJs such as Stefanie Philips, Oscar Pineda & Dan DeLeon will provide booty-shakin' beats. Sundance Saloon returns with the wildly popular country western dance area, behind the Castro Theatre. The suggested donation at the gates is $5 to $10 but more is always welcome…:)
 For More Info: castrostreetfair.org
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & Our Fabulous Gay Wedding
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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