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Don’t Say Same Sex Marriage

By Charlotte Robinson, April 27, 2015
For over ten years we have been trying to educate the heterosexual & LGBT community to not use the term “same sex marriage”. This term was conceived by Karl Rove the former White House Deputy Chief of Staff during the George W. Bush administration to raise a red flag with the religious right by using the word sex in describing our LGBT community. When mainstream media uses this term all you can hear is the redundancy of the word sex. There are many alternative terms you can use instead including: marriage equality, gay marriage, gay & lesbian marriage or just plain marriage. For the last seven years we have tried to educated all the people who have appeared on our podcasts at OUTTAKE VOICES™ to use the alternative terms when discussing the marriage equality issue. Language is crucial in obtaining civil rights for our LGBT community just as it was for our Afro American community in the 1960’s. We hope that on Tuesday April 28th when Douglas Hallward-Driemeier, Mary Bonauto & Solicitor General Donald Verrilli go before U.S. Supreme Court to argue why all loving gay & lesbian couples should have the right to marry in this country they refrain from using the term same sex marriage because as we all know sex has nothing to do with marriage.
LISTEN: GLAD Talks U.S. Supreme Court Gay Marriage Case
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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