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Massachusetts Transgender Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, June 02, 2016
Finally Massachusetts has advanced equality for our transgender community after years of brave & unwavering work by our LGBT community, family members, allies, businesses, faith leaders & community organizations we are inches from full equality for transgender people in the Commonwealth. The Massachusetts House of Representatives’ voted 116-36 on June 1st to pass HB 4343, An Act Relative to Transgender Anti-Discrimination. Governor Baker has stated he will sign the bill into law when it reaches his desk. Deborah Shields MassEquality Executive Director stated, “MassEquality applauds the House of Representatives’ vote to pass HB 4343 today & joins the transgender community in celebrating this milestone in transgender rights in Massachusetts. The bill passed by a veto-proof majority of 116-36. This historic vote clears the way for full
anti-discrimination protection for transgender people across Massachusetts & is a significant victory in the face of the disturbing trend of legislation targeting transgender people & undermining their basic civil rights being introduced in states & municipalities across the country. We extend our sincere thanks to Speaker of the House Robert DeLeo & bill co-sponsors Denise Provost & Byron Rushing for their strong support of the bill & their leadership on this important issue. We also thank the 116 Representatives who voted today to extend the Commonwealth’s anti-discrimination law to cover transgender people & finally close the glaring gap in legal protection that was left open with the signing of the Transgender Equal Rights Law in 2012. With their vote, they have affirmed the principle that discrimination has no place in Massachusetts."
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

I continue to be proud of the steps our Legislature and Governer take to move everyone closer to equality in every aspect of life.

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