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Military To Lift Transgender Ban

By Charlotte Robinson, June 25, 2016
As of July 1st the Pentagon announced the repeal of its ban on transgender service members. Top personnel officials plan to meet as early as Monday to finalize the details of the plan & Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work could sign off on it by Wednesday. Final approval would come from Defense Secretary Ash Carter & the announcement will be on the eve of the Fourth of July weekend. This plan would direct each branch of the armed services over a one-year period to implement new policies affecting recruiting, housing & uniforms for transgender troops. Victoria Rodríguez-Roldán, J.D., Director, Trans/Gender Non-Conforming Justice Project, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “This final remnant of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell will now be put to rest. This decision is a great victory for the many trans people who have served & sacrificed in the military over the years. They also served in fear of being discharged from the service for simply being who they are. Thankfully this now will change. We look forward to hearing more implementation details.” Kristin Beck (Ret. Navy SEAL) & Shane Ortega (Ret. SSG) | National Transgender Military Liaisons, Military Freedom Coalition concluded, "We are elated at the news of the pending repeal of the transgender military ban & are thankful to everyone who worked so hard to see this day come to pass. We look forward to working with our military brothers & sisters to see successful implementation. We march forward into an age of greater equality."
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