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National Vigils For Orlando Victims

By Charlotte Robinson, June 13, 2016
We are heartbroken over the senseless murders of our LGBTQ brothers & sisters in Florida. Over 100 communities are listing impromptu vigils throughout our country in the wake of the Orlando Massacre. Our LGBT community needs to come together & stand strong. This tragedy struck in the midst of LGBT pride month celebrations in many communities including here in Boston. The theme for Boston Pride this year is “Solidarity Through Pride” which becomes more important than ever to bring us together. Yesterday we attended the moment of silence held at the Back Bay Block Party on St James Avenue in Boston. Today Monday June 13th there will be a Vigil for Orlando Victims on City Hall Plaza at 6P. Mayor Marty Walsh & Boston Pride invite everyone to attend this vigil in memory of the victims of the Orlando massacre. Join us in solidarity with the families of those who lost their lives for simply being out & proud. We at OUTTAKE VOICES are devastated by the senseless act of violence that claimed the lives of at least 50 LGBTQ people & allies in Orlando & injured more than 50 others. We grieve for them & for their friends, families & our entire community. For information on LGBT Vigils taking place in your area & ways to support the victims of our nation’s largest mass shooting Marriage Equality USA has launched this website.
For Info & Events: weareorlando.org
Listen Arline Isaacson Talks LGBT Massacre & Moving Forward
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

I think it's really important to mourn together and to show solidarity together and to feel strength and continued commitment to live freely and openly together.

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