In response to the tragedy of the Oakland Warehouse Fire on Dec. 2nd that claimed the lives of 36 confirmed deaths including many from our LGBT community, there will be a Holiday Benefit Show to support the victims at The Edge 4149 18th Street in San Francisco, CA on Saturday December 17th 4P to 7P. Krewe de Kinque's December Beer Bust Benefit & Show will support the “Fire Relief Fund for Victims of the Ghost Ship Oakland Fire” organized by Gray Area Foundation for the Arts, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that has been involved in the greater Bay Area artist community for the last 10 years. There will be a Moment of Silence to honor the victims & their loved ones. It will be an open Show to Performers so bring music if you'd like to take the stage to help raise tip proceeds, CDs preferred. To maximize proceeds the event will be hosted by Miss Eva Sensitiva & Absolute Empress XLII Chika Diva have assembled a fantastic show with tips going to the Fire Fund. Performing at the festivities will include KDK Queen XIII China Silk, Miss Gay SF Piper McGroin, KDK Queen V Cockatielia, KDK Queen II Deana Dawn, Patrice Samek, Gem N'Aye, Leilani Price, Absolute Empress XLVIII Patty McGroin, & live singing by Mark Alan. This promises to be a fabulous celebration with their usual $10 Beer & Soda Bust, fun raffle prizes, Jell-O shots & usual KDK shenanigans.
For More Info…
Listen: Will & Anthony Nunziata Carnegie Hall Debut & New CD
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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