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Walmart Settles LGBT Bias Case

By Charlotte Robinson, December 04, 2016
Making Change at Walmart (MCAW), the national campaign to change Walmart into a more responsible employer, along with Pride at Work and UFCW OUTreach, a constituency group dedicated to building mutual support between the UFCW's International, regions & locals & our LGBT community & allies, released the following statement as Walmart announced a 7.5 million dollar settlement in the Cote et al. v. Wal-Mart Stores Inc. class-action lawsuit, which accused the company of discriminating against employees who were married to same gender spouses by denying their spouses health insurance benefits: "Actions speak louder than words & until now, Walmart’s actions regarding LGBTQ workers’ & their spouses’ health benefits were discriminatory & hurtful. We are pleased to hear that Walmart has admitted wrongdoing in Cote et al. v. Walmart Stores, Inc. & that they have agreed to abide by anti-discrimination policies & to make those who have been discriminated against whole. It is our hope that Walmart accepts how wrong they were so that not one more Walmart worker will have to experience such injustice and bigotry. We congratulate Jacqueline for her bravery & we hope she inspires other Walmart workers to come forward & speak up about intolerance. In addition, we hope that Walmart realizes that this is just a start & that too many of its hard-working Walmart men & women face poverty-level wages, poor benefits & unfair workplaces. Now, more than ever, it is time for Walmart to wake up & change."
Listen: Advancing LGBT Equality Nationally & Globally
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Hope this decision spreads fair treatment for all their workers.

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