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North Carolina LGBTQ Inequality

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has signed into law new discriminatory legislation HB 142 that legislators claim as a repeal of HB 2 however the fact is the new law keeps in place the most troubling parts of HB 2 including the provision that prevents local governments from passing nondiscrimination ordinances. Ian Palmquist, Program Director of Equality Federation stated, “Why mince words? This is a fake repeal. As a proud North Carolinian, I’m deeply disappointed that HB 2’s shameful ban on local protections will continue. While we disagree with Governor Cooper on this compromised repeal bill, we do agree on this: local ordinances aren’t enough. North Carolinians must update our state’s nondiscrimination laws to fully protect the LGBTQ community & we’ll keep working until that happens.” Chris Sgro, Equality NC Executive Director added, "HB2 was hastily passed without any input from the LGBTQ community just one year ago. Today, we returned to the legislature with a deal made between Governor Cooper, Phil Berger & Tim Moore that once again left out the ones most impacted by the discriminatory law - LGBTQ North Carolinians. Lawmakers & Governor Cooper have failed to resolve the problems with HB2 by doubling down on discrimination. Once again, the North Carolina General Assembly has enshrined discrimination into North Carolina law." Rebecca Isaacs, Executive Director of Equality Federation concluded, “We’re not giving up on LGBTQ North Carolinians. Today’s bill doubles down on HB 2’s harmful ban on local protections, but we will double down our efforts to create a more fair & equal North Carolina.” Let’s hope that the NCAA & others do not fall for this discriminatory bandaid.
For More Info: equalitync.org
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Trans Students Bathroom Rights

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments Wednesday in the case Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District involving a transgender Wisconsin student whose school had denied him access to the boy’s room. The school district is appealing a preliminary injunction from a lower court granting the student the right to use the boy’s room. Ashton (Ash) Whitaker stated, "Although the last couple of years have been hard for me & for my mom, I am happy that today my story was heard. I'm grateful for all the support I've received from my friends, family, my lawyers & especially my mom. If there's one thing I want other transgender students to know, it's that you're not alone & there is help and support for you. I'm optimistic about my case & hope it helps others as well as me." Attorney Joseph Wardenski of Relman, Dane & Colfax, who argued Ash’s case in court added, “We’re confident that the Seventh Circuit will affirm the preliminary injunction, which has allowed Ash to enjoy his senior year without the constant fear of being treated differently from other boys by his school. We believe that the court will recognize the serious & lasting harm that this kind of discrimination causes transgender students like Ash.” Kris Hayashi, Transgender Law Center Executive Director concluded, “Students like Ash just want to go to school & get an education like everybody else, free of harassment & discrimination. Ash has been incredibly courageous & I hope his persistence is rewarded.” Ash is represented by Transgender Law Center (TLC) the largest national transgender advocacy organization & Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC, a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights law firm.
For More Info: transgenderlawcenter.org
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Trump Erasing LGBT People

The Trump Administration has submitted to Congress a list of categories of data it plans to collect for the 2020 Census & the American Community Survey (ACS) which excludes LGBT people. Last year a number of federal agencies urged the Census Bureau to collect sexual orientation & gender identity data, explaining that the information was critical to their ability to implement & enforce the law. Meghan Maury, Criminal & Economic Justice Project Director, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, "The Trump Administration has taken yet another step to deny LGBTQ people freedom, justice & equity, by choosing to exclude us from the 2020 Census & American Community Survey. LGBTQ people are not counted on the Census—no data is collected on sexual orientation or gender identity. Information from these surveys helps the government to enforce federal laws like the Violence Against Women Act & the Fair Housing Act & to determine how to allocate resources like housing supports and food stamps. If the government doesn’t know how many LGBTQ people live in a community, how can it do its job to ensure we’re getting fair & adequate access to the rights, protections & services we need?” This decision is part of a string of actions by the Trump Administration to remove sexual orientation & gender identity questions from federal surveys & to stall assessment of programs targeting the LGBTQ community. The Census does collect data on gay & lesbian couples through its "relationship to householder" question; this results in a very narrow depiction of the needs & experiences of our community. Graphic by Richard Emmanuel.
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
Listen: James Nadeau Talks Wicked Queer Boston Film Festival
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Lesbian Health Event

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) will be meeting on Sunday April 2nd from 2P to 4P to talk about age, health & the art of noticing. Guest speakers will include Elizabeth Kass, MD, an internal medicine & women’s health specialist at Fenway Health & one of Boston OLOC’s favorite speakers & Chloe Karl, a Licensed Occupational Therapist who uses alternative modalities in promoting women’s health. Alice Fisher, Founding Member of OLOC-Boston stated, “No question, aging is accompanied by health issues. One key to good health is prevention & the other noticing signs that can alert you to problems. Bring your questions on April 2nd and join Liz Kass MD of Fenway health & Chloe Karl, Licensed Occupational Therapist for another Boston OLOC Sunday afternoon.” Liz will be discussing normal aging, signs of heart attack, cognitive changes & how to notice signs that can alert you to what is outside of normal. Chloe takes a more preventative approach to aging using nutrition, herbs, movement, essential oils & cold laser therapy to treat such health concerns as incontinence, joint pain, exhaustion & vision fatigue. The event takes place at Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, MA. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Sichuan Garden, 295 Washington Street in Brookline Village, Brookline.
Listen: James Nadeau Talks Wicked Queer Boston Film Festival
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Pride Announces Marshals

Boston Pride has announced the Grand Marshal & Honorary Marshals for the 47th Annual Boston Pride Parade. Grand Marshal is Kristen Porter & Honorary Marshals awarded posthumously are the late Norman Hill, Dr. Judy Bradford & John Michael Gray. Sylvain Bruni, Boston Pride President stated, “We are excited to announce the 2017 Pride Marshals chosen by the community, who have done an amazing job over many decades to represent, to support & to benefit a wide spectrum of the LGBTQ community. We look forward to having Kristen Porter lead the parade while also honoring the legacies of Norman Hill, Dr. Judy Bradford & John Michael Gray.” Parade Chair Martha Plaza added, “On June 10th we will march as a community that is ‘Stronger Together’ as our diverse community is represented in the parade, demonstrating that we will stand up for each other & continue to fight for civil rights for all.” Grand Marshal Kristen Porter is founder of Kristen Porter Presents Dyke Night® celebrating 20 years of serving the Boston LGBTQ community. Kristen has donated her time & money to Dyke Night’s philanthropic mission to make the world better for the LGBTQ community by creating high quality inclusive events that support the community artistically, socially & philanthropically. Honorary Marshals awarded posthumously are the late Norman Hill, former President of Gay Officers Action League New England, Dr. Judy Bradford, Co-Chair of The Fenway Institute from its inception in 2001 who played a key role in building a framework for LGBTQ focused research & teaching & John Michael Gray half of the famous ‘Hat Sisters’, was a prominent Massachusetts LGBTQ community activist who helped raise money for causes ranging from AIDS healthcare to cancer research.
For More Info: bostonpride.org
Listen: James Nadeau Talks Wicked Queer Boston Film Festival
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trumpcare Halted Gorsuch Next

LGBTQ advocates are rejoicing the halt of Trumpcare. Now we have to ensure Senator Schumer's promise to filibuster Gorsuch's nomination. Trump has tasted a major failure Washington- Style by the defeat of his appalling attempt to eliminate the Affordable Care Act. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, "We are relieved to learn that Trumpcare has been pulled from consideration & that, at least for now, the Affordable Care Act still stands. Under the proposed Trumpcare, the so-called American Health Care Act, an estimated 24 million people stand to lose health care coverage. And while Trumpcare has been stalled for now, our work must continue to stop this very harmful piece of legislation." Since the beginning of the year, the Task Force has organized actions in Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia & elsewhere calling on U.S. Senators to vote against the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Carey added, "We are also ecstatic to hear that Senator Schumer plans to filibuster Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court. Gorsuch is an outlier judge, whose extremists opinions are the antithesis of the Court's philosophies & his confirmation poses a fundamental threat to the lives & wellbeing of LGBTQ people. We urge everyone to continue calling on their Senators to vote against Gorsuch's nomination.”
For More Info: thetaskforce.org
Listen: James Nadeau Talks Wicked Queer Boston Film Festival
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Whoopi Goldberg At SAGE Table

Whoopi Goldberg, Dominique Jackson of Oxygen’s “Strut” & Lisa Kron, Tony Award winner for “Fun Home,” were among the celebrities & LGBTQ activists who previewed SAGE Table last night at NYC’s Chefs Club. The event was hosted by Tom Leonardis & Victor Jeffreys II, who serve as co-chairs of SAGE Table Steering Committee, NY. SAGE Table is a nationwide initiative designed to establish stronger connections across generations in our LGBT community produced by Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders (SAGE) & sponsored by AARP. The event happens in communities across the country on May 18th. Goldberg stated, “I am proud to be a part of SAGE Table. Don’t forget: We’re all getting older. That’s why we have to make sure we’re looking out for those who have come before us, appreciate what they have done & share those experiences with those coming after. On May 18th we will all have that conversation.” Leonardis added, “Chefs Club is the ultimate place to show off a one-of-a-kind event like SAGE Table. It’s dramatic but intimate—a great place to learn about each other over an exquisite meal.” Each gathering will bring together young & older members of our LGBTQ community & allies to break bread & build bonds. Q & A sessions at the events will bring young & older people together to share their perspectives on aging in the LGBTQ community & create stronger connections between generations. Organizers have set a goal of 10,000 participants who will meet in various venues. An estimated 3,000 have already committed.
For More Info: sagetable.org
Listen: James Nadeau Talks Wicked Queer Boston Film Festival
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Congress Save Us From Trumpcare

UPDATE: Trump Pulls Healthcare Bill 
Today Congress will vote on Trumpcare the so-called American Health Care Act, a bill that if made law would deprive tens of millions of quality affordable health care. We must stop this destructive  bill from passing. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, "The Affordable Care Act has expanded access to healthcare for millions of people in the U.S. It’s the reason: young people can remain covered by their parent’s health insurance until they’re 26; insurance companies can no longer impose a lifetime cap on coverage benefits; people living with HIV or other chronic conditions aren’t being refused healthcare coverage because of a preexisting condition; contraception & other forms of preventative care are available without a copay & it ensures that anyone who faces discrimination in a healthcare or insurance setting because of sex, which includes gender identity, can appeal. In contrast, Trumpcare, the so-called American Health Care Act, unlike its name suggests would deprive tens of millions of people of health care. This would create a devastating setback & erase incredible gains in health & wellbeing among so many. Many would return to relying on emergency rooms for health care, costing taxpayers millions of dollars & ensuring that our country continues to have the world’s most expensive health care system." To learn more about the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund's legislative & policy advocacy work, check out the guide on "10 Key LGBTQ Health Advocacy.
Read & Download Guide…
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End Dangerous Conversion Therapy

There are 20 states with pending legislation to protect our LGBTQ youth from the harmful, unscientific, disproven practice of sexual orientation & gender identity conversion efforts that are shockingly still in practice today. Andy Garcia, Program Manager of Equality Federation stated, “In a sea of anti-LGBTQ legislation & attacks, this is an area where our movement has momentum & broad bipartisan support because this practice is so harmful & outrageous & something that no young person should be subjected to.” Conversion therapy known as reparative or ex-gay therapy in some circles refers to the practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity to fit heterosexual or cisgender standards & expectations. Every major medical & mental health association, including the American Medical Association & the American Psychological Association, condemns the practice because research concludes that so-called conversion therapy is extremely dangerous & does not work. Sam Brinton, who is just 30 years old, was subjected to electroshock & other abusive tactics in attempts to convert him stating “I was told I was the only gay left on earth, that the government had come through & killed off every gay child when they were born. When the mental torture didn’t work, we moved into physical torture. My parents were lied to & I was abused, all in the name of trying to change something I never chose.” States with conversion therapy bans are California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon & Vermont. Check to see where your state stands on this issue & take action.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


PFLAG To Honor Martha Plimpton

PFLAG National the nation's largest organization uniting families, allies & people who are LGBTQ announced it will honor Emmy® Award-winning actress Martha Plimpton with the Straight for Equality in Entertainment award at the Ninth Annual Straight for Equality Awards Gala on Monday, March 27th at the Marriott Marquis New York in Times Square. Elizabeth Kohm, Interim Executive Director of PFLAG National stated, “As Eileen on The Real O’Neals, we have watched Martha take the journey that thousands of PFLAG parents have taken & she does it so authentically. Martha is & continues to be, a strong, dedicated & vocal advocate for LGBTQ equality, for women’s rights & for civil rights in support of marginalized communities. We are thrilled to be able to honor her this year.” Plimpton added, “It means the world to me that I’ve been able to contribute some small part to helping parents understand & accept their LGBTQ kids through the role I play on The Real O’Neals. Being raised with & by people from all walks, of every stripe, makes me certain that the world is a richer & more joyful place & life is more beautiful, when love comes first.” Straight for Equality awards are presented to individuals who are transforming the way that LGBTQ people are understood & treated, using their talents & platforms in their respective fields to empower others to become engaged & outspoken allies for fairness, diversity & inclusion. This year’s gala will be emceed by comedian & writer Fortune Feimster. The evening will also feature a performance from the Tony Award-winning musical Kinky Boots.
For Info & Tix: pflag.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trump Eliminating LGBT Elders

The Trump Administration is continuing to go after the most vulnerable members of our LGBTQ community by attempting to erase our LGBTQ seniors from the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP). SAGE (Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders) has announced that it is launching a nationwide effort to oppose Trump’s proposed erasure of LGBT elders from this crucial survey. Specifically, SAGE opposes changes that would eliminate questions that allow the federal government to assess the extent to which LGBT older adults are receiving federally funded elder services. According to a March 13 notice in the Federal Register those questions which have been included in the Survey since 2014 are proposed for elimination in the 2017 Survey. This is the only change the Trump Administration proposes to the Survey. Michael Adams, Chief Executive Officer of SAGE stated, “Caring about our LGBT elders means making sure they have access to publicly-funded senior services, which can be literally life-saving. Now, it appears that the Trump Administration wants to make believe LGBT older people don’t exist, by erasing them from this critically important survey. We insist that this decision be reversed & that the federal government commit to serving all elders in need, including those who are LGBT.” This annual survey is conducted by the federal government to evaluate the effectiveness of programs funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act, including who is being served by such programs. Results from the survey are used to determine how to direct billions of dollars toward older people’s needs through publicly funded senior centers, home-delivered meals, family caregiver support, transportation & other key supports.
For More Info: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Senator Warren LGBTQ Reception

There will be a fabulous must-attend LGBTQ reception event to support Senator Elizabeth Warren's reelection campaign on Sunday, March 26th at Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams at 142 Berkley Street in Boston, Massachusetts with a VIP Host Reception at 5:30P & Guest Reception at 6P. Senator Warren will attend. Arline Isaacson, Co-Chair, Massachusetts Gay & Lesbian Political Caucus stated, "Elizabeth Warren is a stalwart in her support of LGBTQ rights & equality. In this Trump-Pence era, we face a Congress controlled by homophobic & transphobic electeds. Now more than ever, we need voices like hers that rise above the fray of hate & fear to show Americans what this country can and should be. The forces of bigotry & prejudice have tried to stop her. She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted. We hope LGBTQs & allies will join us March 26th to thank & support Senator Warren. We need her now more than ever." The Host committee includes Mary Breslauer & Rebecca Haag, David Goldman & Jacques Abatto & Bryan Rafanelli & Mark Walsh. Co-Hosts are Elyse Cherry, Diane DiCarlo & Jeanne Leszczynski, Chris Flynn & Dan Newton, Arline Isaacson, Marc LaCasse, Neal Minahan, Sue Reamer, Joseph Smith & Scott Popkowski, Paula Rooney & Gail Meehan & Scott E. Squillace Esq. & Christoper J. Gayton. Contributions or gifts to Elizabeth for MA are not tax deductible.
For Info & Tix…
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New LGBT Fenway Health Report

With the devastating news that 24 million Americans will lose their health insurance by 2026 as a result of Trump’s American Health Care Act, The Fenway Institute of Fenway Health in Boston, Massachusetts released a policy brief outlining just how the Trump Administration’s proposed replacement for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could impact our LGBT community, people living with HIV (PLWH) & Black & Latino Americans. Sean Cahill, PhD, Director of Health Policy Research for The Fenway Institute at Fenway Health stated, “This bill holds potentially devastating consequences for low-income LGBT people, people living with HIV & Black & Latino people. The rates of uninsurance among LGBT people & people living with HIV have dropped dramatically since 2013, when the Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion was implemented. While people of all races benefitted from the expansion of insurance access, on a per capita basis Black & Latino people benefitted disproportionately. Those gains could be completely erased if this bill becomes law.” Between 2013 & 2015, the rate of uninsurance among our LGBT community decreased from 22% to 11%. The percentage of people living with HIV who lacked any kind of health insurance coverage was 22% in 2012 & dropped to 15% in 2014. By 2020, the AHCA would revise eligibility criteria for enrollment in Medicaid so that in addition to being low-income, an enrollee would also need to be disabled or a parent of dependent children. People living with HIV would have to let their disease progress to AIDS in order to meet the definition of disabled. & many low-income LGBT people are not parents.
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Listen: Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Talk “Let’s Hear It For The Boys”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Out & Equal CEO Search (AUDIO)

Selisse Berry Out & Equal Workplace Advocates Founder & CEO announced she will be stepping down as CEO & moving into an advisory role in August 2017. Thanks to Selisse’s vision, dedication & collaboration 92 percent of Fortune 500 companies welcome LGBT employees with inclusive policies. Selisse stated, “I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to create & lead this incredibly important organization. In partnership with hundreds of the world’s largest multi-national corporations we have achieved more for LGBT workplace equality than I ever dreamed possible 20 years ago.” Berry started out by having one-on-one conversations with business leaders, sparking the relationships and building the business & human case for welcoming LGBT people into the workplace. Donna Griffin, Board Co-Chair of Out & Equal added, “After her personal experience with workplace discrimination, Selisse Berry turned to action: launching one of the most successful campaigns for LGBT equality of the last 20 years. Over the course of two decades she built Out & Equal into the global, thriving, $8 million nonprofit organization that it is today. Her work is an inspiration & her legacy will continue in the work of Out & Equal." The organization has launched an executive search to ensure its ongoing success as it continues to build partnerships with business leaders in the U.S. and globally to ensure LGBT can thrive in their workplaces. We talked to Selisse in this exclusive audio byte last October about her inspiration for founding Out & Equal Workplace Advocates & her commitment to LGBT equality:

For More Info: outandequal.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


US Hate Groups At United Nations

The United States Department of State official delegation to the 61st annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) includes representatives of two notorious hate organizations known to oppose the UN human rights system, LGBTQ rights & women’s sexual & reproductive health& rights. They are the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-FAM) & the Heritage Foundation. C-FAM is labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Heritage Foundation called for a cut in funding for programs combatting violence against women & claims that anti-discrimination laws grant LGBT people “special privileges.” Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “In their Senate confirmation hearings, Secretary of State Tillerson & US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley repeatedly pledged to uphold the right to be free from discrimination as an American value. The appointment of these organizations to the official US delegation undermines their positions. I urge Secretary Tillerson & Ambassador Haley to ensure that the US delegation maintains non-discrimination at the CSW in the face of obvious pressure from these newly appointed members of the delegation. Fundamentalist notions about how women & girls should behave should never be the basis of advising or negotiating US foreign policy. It is also a bad sign that two organizations that have tried to delegitimize the United Nations & human rights internationally now sit on the official US delegation. Maybe the violent mentality that got C-FAM labeled a hate group successfully panders to their base, but the US government must ensure protection for the world’s most vulnerable people.”
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
Listen: Advancing LGBT Equality Nationally & Globally
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Alberta Hunter Leaving The Blues

Desiree Rogers plays jazz singer-songwriter Alberta Hunter in the World Premiere of “Leaving the Blues” by Lambda Award-winning writer & LGBTQ activist Jewelle Gomez. Directed by Arturo Catricala it’s playing now through April 2nd at the New Conservatory Theatre Center, 25 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco. A major focus of the script is Hunter’s relationship with Lottie Tyler, called Lettie in Gomez’s script played by Leontyne Mbele-Mbong. This is at a time when, as Will (Michael Gene Sullivan) says in the show, “Negroes already have a lot to worry about without that kind of thing. Don’t seem right throwing kerosene on the fire.” Rogers stated about Gomez’s script “She’s taking her time: That’s the biggest thing I noticed with her.” Of her research on the trailblazing singer who left performing to become a nurse but then made a comeback at age 82, Rogers added “Hunter, by contrast, absolutely takes her time. She’s absolutely comfortable with herself. She’s centered & she wants to make sure that her audiences get it. Her purpose is: You hear me talking.” Gomez concluded, “One of the first things I got was Desiree’s posture. Even when playing an elderly Hunter, Rogers has this amazingly erect posture & I thought that’s part of who Alberta is, the essence she projects: She stands tall.” Celebrated Blues singer-songwriter Alberta Hunter lived from 1895 until 1984.
For More Info & Tix…
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Gender Justice Without Borders

The United Nations has begun its annual gathering on women’s rights, a coalition of international women’s, LGBTQ & immigrant justice organizations have launched a joint initiative called: No Borders on Gender Justice. This coalition, participating in the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), highlights that this year’s session takes place under the shadow of escalated anti-immigrant, anti-refugee & anti-Muslim policies of the United States. The organizers point to the new executive order by the Trump Administration, set to take effect this Thursday, as the latest in an exclusionary trend that prevents women from exercising their rights to political participation at UN Headquarters. Yanar Mohammed, President of the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq, spoke out in solidarity with women’s rights activists excluded by these policies stating “This is not the time to keep us out of the meeting rooms, out of the decision-making spaces & away from our sisters at CSW.” The No Borders on Gender Justice initiative seeks to renew strategies to reclaim space to defend the full range of women’s human rights, protest racist & Islamophobic policies that bar access, amplify the demands of those who have been excluded, and deepen collaboration with women most at risk from authoritarianism. Organizers have also released a platform of principles, available here. The organizations co-sponsoring this initiative are: MADRE, Just Associates (JASS), Center for Women’s Global Leadership, AWID, Urgent Action Fund, Women in Migration Network & OutRight Action International.
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
Listen: Advancing LGBT Equality Nationally & Globally
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LGBTQ Adoption Discrimination

South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard has signed into law a discriminatory religious exemption bill that would prevent children in need of homes a fair opportunity to find a loving family. Fran Hutchins, Deputy Director of Equality Federation stated, “As someone who was raised in an adoptive family myself, I find it so sad & troubling that any child would be denied a loving family because the agency chose to discriminate against prospective LGBTQ parents or prospective parents of another faith. Every child should have a loving forever home.” Lawrence Novotny, chair of Equality South Dakota added, “We view this as another attack against the LGBTQ community of our state. South Dakota does not provide any job discrimination protections & now innocent children needing a loving home will also be affected.” Both Equality South Dakota & Equality Federation share the value that freedom of religion is important. That’s why it’s already protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution. Adoption & parenting should focus on creating loving, stable, forever homes for kids & making sure children have the nurturing environment that allows them to thrive and succeed. Adoption decisions should be made based on the best interests of the child, not based on religious beliefs of child services workers & placement agencies. This license to discriminate bill would let taxpayer-funded adoption agencies keep kids in foster care or a government group home rather than allowing them to be adopted by loving parents who don’t pass the agency’s religious test. This hurts children & deprives them of the forever homes they so desperately need.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
Listen: Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Talk “Let’s Hear It For The Boys”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Pride Community Fund

Boston Pride announced the recipients of the 2017 Boston Pride Community Fund that was established to provide grants to small nonprofits & other groups that support the LGBTQ community. Sylvain Bruni, President of Boston Pride stated, “It is our honor to announce the 2017 grant recipients of our Community Fund. Reflecting this year’s Pride theme, Boston Pride is committed to building a community that is ‘Stronger Together’ & by supporting these community-based organizations we will all benefit from the tremendous work they do and their contributions to the LGBTQ community.” The 2017 Boston Pride Community Fund recipients are: Boston Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Greater Boston Chapter Colage People with LGBTQ + Parents or Guardians, Hebrew Senior Life Chaplaincy, Inc., History Project, HKS Francophile Club, Impact Boston, Imperial Court of MA, Lesbians of Color Symposium Collective, Inc., Madfemme Pride, Mystic LGBTQ + Youth Support Network Queers mystic, Paws New England, SpeakOut Boston, The List: Boston Queer Agenda, Theatre Offensive, Worcester Pride & Youth Queer Straight Alliance. The Boston Pride Community Fund was established by contributions received at last year’s Back Bay Block Party, Jamaica Plain Block Party & several other Pride events. It is Boston Pride’s vision to support the Community Fund annually by giving back funds raised to small nonprofit organizations & groups within the LGBTQ Community. These awards provide the opportunity to educate the entire community about the important work these organizations & groups are performing in service of the LGBTQ community. Boston Pride convened an independent panel of community members who processed all the applications received at the end of 2016.
For More Info: bostonpride.org 
Listen: Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Talk “Let’s Hear It For The Boys”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Alcoa Honored For LGBT Equality

PFLAG the nation's largest organization uniting LGBTQ families & allies announced it will honor the Alcoa Corporation with the Straight for Equality in the Workplace Award at the Ninth Annual Straight for Equality Awards Gala on Monday, March 27th at the Marriott Marquis New York in Times Square. Jean-Marie Navetta, PFLAG National Director of Learning & Inclusion stated, "Alcoa has demonstrated the power of working to create a more inclusive organization at every level & every function. Their work to have fully inclusive policies is impressive, but the real power is in the fact that they’ve brought LGBT learning opportunities to their whole organization, from employees in corporate offices to employees working on manufacturing floors. It sends a key message: Inclusion is for everyone here." Roy Harvey Alcoa Chief Executive Officer concluded, “At Alcoa, embracing diversity & ensuring that our employees are their authentic self is embedded in our Care for People value. We rely on talented people to run our operations & our Care principle is a constant reminder that we have a responsibility to provide an inclusive, safe & supportive environment for every employee. We applaud PFLAG National’s work & we thank them for this honor.” Straight for Equality Awards are presented to individuals who are transforming the way that LGBTQ people are understood & treated, using their talents & platforms in their respective fields to empower others to become engaged & outspoken allies for fairness, diversity & inclusion.
For Info & Tix: pflag.org 
Listen: Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Talk “Let’s Hear It For The Boys”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


St. Patrick’s Day Parade Exclusion

UPDATE: VICTORY!! OUTVETS Will March In the Boston St. Patrick's Day Parade...!!
The embarrassing backward South Boston Allied War Veterans Council has voted to deny OUTVETS, an organization for LGBTQ veterans entry in Boston’s annual St. Patrick’s Day parade even though OUTVETS participated in that event for the past 2 years. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh stated, “I will not tolerate discrimination in our city of any form. We are one Boston, which means we are a fully inclusive city. I will not be marching in the parade unless this is resolved. Anyone who values what our city stands for should do the same.” OUTVETS stated, “This is a sad day for the LGBTQ community & for Veterans of all backgrounds. We served our country with honor & distinction. But even after bringing honor to this parade, this community & to all those who have served, we fight every day to be treated with the basic dignity that comes with service to country.” Deborah Shields, MassEquality Executive Director concluded, “MassEquality remains committed to full equality & inclusion for everyone in our LGBTQ communities. We are grateful to Mayor Walsh, Governor Baker, Dan Magoon of Mass Fallen Heroes & other local & state leaders who have spoken publicly against the decision or declined to march in the Parade because of its return to a policy of exclusion. We hope that the Allied War Veterans Council will reconsider its vote & we support the opening of dialogue between the Council & OUTVETS to work toward a resolution.” The Parade officials Council gave no reason for this year’s decision.
For More Info: outvetsamerica.org
Listen: Boston Gay Men’s Chorus Talk “Let’s Hear It For The Boys”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


International Women's Day For All

International Women's Day (IWD) celebrated on March 8th was originally called International Working Women's Day & started as a Socialist political event combining the culture of many countries, primarily in Europe, especially those in the Soviet Bloc. The earliest Women’s Day observance in the USA was held on February 28th 1909 in New York organized by the Socialist Party of America in remembrance of the 1908 strike of the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union. This year’s theme is “Be Bold For Change” encouraging women to be bolder, stronger & more powerful in all spheres of life, especially in the Trump administration. Jessica Stern Executive Director OutRight Action International stated, “Every year on International Women’s Day we are reminded that we still live in a world where most women are left behind. This is especially true for lesbian & bisexual women as well as trans & intersex people (LBTI people) who face multiple & intersecting forms of discrimination daily… Today, I ask that you help to make visible to struggles of LBTI people, to bridge the gap between exclusion & being accounted for. I ask that you make space to talk about LBTI inclusion with a stranger, a friend, or a family member. I ask that you go to an event to learn more about the issues impacting our communities. Finally, I ask that you never let hateful & divisive rhetoric & action trump common humanity or the universality of all human rights & all human beings.”
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gary Burton Retires Gracefully

Iconic jazz vibraphonist Gary Burton is currently on his last tour. We caught him at the Berklee Performance Center in Boston & he was brilliant performing with Makoto Ozone on piano. Burton has been recording & touring for over 50 years, resulting in 7 Grammy Awards & 15 Grammy nominations & countless awards from esteemed jazz publications. He has a long history with the Berklee College of Music in Boston spending 33 years at the school as instructor, Dean of Curriculum & Executive Vice President. Burton who helped revolutionize modern jazz took a very bold move in 1994 by coming out as gay in an NPR interview. Now that he’s retiring from the music scene he says that after playing every state & countless nations around the world over the last 50 years he’s looking forward to traveling now for his own enjoyment with his husband Jonathan Chong. Burton stated, “I’ve saved up almost three million frequent-flyer miles from all the travel. Our plan is to take a couple of vacations every year. I’m also very interested in gay issues. Never really had time to get involved in fundraising & advocacy & political issues with the gay community, but I’d like to.” Gary Burton will be appearing at Birdland in NYC March 7th to 11th & completing his final tour at The Jazz Kitchen in Indianapolis, Indiana on March 17th.
For More Info & Tix: garyburton.com
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT Elders & Caregivers Event

The sixth annual LGBT Elders in an Ever Changing World conference is being held on Friday, March 17th from 8:30A to 4P at Salem State University. The conference is sponsored by The LGBT Aging Project, North Shore Elder Services, Salem State University’s School of Social Work, CareDimensions & AARP Massachusetts. The day-long event will focus on issues of our older LGBTQ community & LGBTQ caregivers. Lisa Krinsky, Director of The Fenway Institute’s LGBT Aging Project stated, “We are thrilled to partner with North Shore Elder Services, Salem State University, CareDimensions & AARP Massachusetts to present such a comprehensive view of so many aspects of growing older in the LGBT community. This is the sixth annual convening which increases both knowledge about & resources for LGBT older adults and caregivers.” Paul Lanzikos, Executive Director of Danvers-based North Shore Elder Services added, “The Elder LGBT Conference is a unique event bringing together human service workers, as well as LGBT elders themselves, with academic experts who have researched the issues of LGBT older adults & caregivers. Our participation is a direct result of our work over the past years with The LGBT Aging Project in Boston involving outreach and programming for LGBT seniors & caregivers on the North Shore & throughout the metropolitan Boston area." The plenary session features remarks by Kate Rohr. Kate is an orthopedic physician & transgender woman who came out at the age of sixty-seven years was featured in “Gender Revolution: A Journey with Katie Couric.” There will be 17 workshops covering diverse topics including transgender aging, practice skills, caregiving tools, disparities, public policy, advocacy & more. Presenters are from throughout New England, New York, Texas, India & Australia.
For More Info & Tix...
Listen: Dr. Jessica Toste Talks GLSEN Protecting Our LGBTQ Youth
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Boston Lesbian Publication Event

Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing For Change) will be meeting on Sunday March 5th from 2P to 4P to celebrate the publication of “To Bed or Not to Bed: Sex & the Older Lesbian” with authors, Kalyani Devajyoti, Jyl Lynn Felman, Jane Fleishman, Chloe Karl, Sue Katz & Sarah Pearlman who will read from their work & talk about what it is like to write about sex & age. “To Bed or Not to Bed: Sex & the Older Lesbian” is a unique collection about older lesbian sexuality including an excerpt from a novel about a love affair in senior housing, performance pieces, poetry, how to end sexual hibernation, lesbian sex taking the lead, the new “normals” for older lesbians (couples and singles), the last word on orgasm & more. Alice Fisher, Founding Member of OLOC-Boston stated, “After over five years of presenting ideas to the lesbian community, OLOC now has made a permanent book of "ideas on a topic" It's no accident that the title of our first booklet was first used in our opening event.” Sarah Pearlman Founding Member of OLOC-Boston concluded, “Continue to laugh, be enlightened & learn with other older lesbians as Boston OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing for Change) & Last Gasp Press celebrates the publication of To Bed or Not to Bed: Sex & the Older Lesbian, a unique collection of writings about older lesbian sexuality.” The event takes place at Brookline Senior Center, 93 Winchester Street in Brookline, MA. Following the event there will be an early dinner at Sichuan Garden, 295 Washington Street in Brookline Village, Brookline.
For More Info: spearlman@hartford.edu
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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