The United States Department of State official delegation to the 61st annual United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) includes representatives of two notorious hate organizations known to oppose the UN human rights system, LGBTQ rights & women’s sexual & reproductive health& rights. They are the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-FAM) & the Heritage Foundation. C-FAM is labeled a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The Heritage Foundation called for a cut in funding for programs combatting violence against women & claims that anti-discrimination laws grant LGBT people “special privileges.” Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “In their Senate confirmation hearings, Secretary of State Tillerson & US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley repeatedly pledged to uphold the right to be free from discrimination as an American value. The appointment of these organizations to the official US delegation undermines their positions. I urge Secretary Tillerson & Ambassador Haley to ensure that the US delegation maintains non-discrimination at the CSW in the face of obvious pressure from these newly appointed members of the delegation. Fundamentalist notions about how women & girls should behave should never be the basis of advising or negotiating US foreign policy. It is also a bad sign that two organizations that have tried to delegitimize the United Nations & human rights internationally now sit on the official US delegation. Maybe the violent mentality that got C-FAM labeled a hate group successfully panders to their base, but the US government must ensure protection for the world’s most vulnerable people.”
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