The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral arguments Wednesday in the case Whitaker v. Kenosha Unified School District involving a transgender Wisconsin student whose school had denied him access to the boy’s room. The school district is appealing a preliminary injunction from a lower court granting the student the right to use the boy’s room. Ashton (Ash) Whitaker stated, "Although the last couple of years have been hard for me & for my mom, I am happy that today my story was heard. I'm grateful for all the support I've received from my friends, family, my lawyers & especially my mom. If there's one thing I want other transgender students to know, it's that you're not alone & there is help and support for you. I'm optimistic about my case & hope it helps others as well as me." Attorney Joseph Wardenski of Relman, Dane & Colfax, who argued Ash’s case in court added, “We’re confident that the Seventh Circuit will affirm the preliminary injunction, which has allowed Ash to enjoy his senior year without the constant fear of being treated differently from other boys by his school. We believe that the court will recognize the serious & lasting harm that this kind of discrimination causes transgender students like Ash.” Kris Hayashi, Transgender Law Center Executive Director concluded, “Students like Ash just want to go to school & get an education like everybody else, free of harassment & discrimination. Ash has been incredibly courageous & I hope his persistence is rewarded.” Ash is represented by Transgender Law Center (TLC) the largest national transgender advocacy organization & Relman, Dane & Colfax PLLC, a Washington, D.C.-based civil rights law firm.
For More Info: transgenderlawcenter.org
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