There are 20 states with pending legislation to protect our LGBTQ youth from the harmful, unscientific, disproven practice of sexual orientation & gender identity conversion efforts that are shockingly still in practice today. Andy Garcia, Program Manager of Equality Federation stated, “In a sea of anti-LGBTQ legislation & attacks, this is an area where our movement has momentum & broad bipartisan support because this practice is so harmful & outrageous & something that no young person should be subjected to.” Conversion therapy known as reparative or ex-gay therapy in some circles refers to the practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity to fit heterosexual or cisgender standards & expectations. Every major medical & mental health association, including the American Medical Association & the American Psychological Association, condemns the practice because research concludes that so-called conversion therapy is extremely dangerous & does not work. Sam Brinton, who is just 30 years old, was subjected to electroshock & other abusive tactics in attempts to convert him stating “I was told I was the only gay left on earth, that the government had come through & killed off every gay child when they were born. When the mental torture didn’t work, we moved into physical torture. My parents were lied to & I was abused, all in the name of trying to change something I never chose.” States with conversion therapy bans are California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon & Vermont. Check to see where your state stands on this issue & take action.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
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