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End Dangerous Conversion Therapy

By Charlotte Robinson, March 22, 2017
There are 20 states with pending legislation to protect our LGBTQ youth from the harmful, unscientific, disproven practice of sexual orientation & gender identity conversion efforts that are shockingly still in practice today. Andy Garcia, Program Manager of Equality Federation stated, “In a sea of anti-LGBTQ legislation & attacks, this is an area where our movement has momentum & broad bipartisan support because this practice is so harmful & outrageous & something that no young person should be subjected to.” Conversion therapy known as reparative or ex-gay therapy in some circles refers to the practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity to fit heterosexual or cisgender standards & expectations. Every major medical & mental health association, including the American Medical Association & the American Psychological Association, condemns the practice because research concludes that so-called conversion therapy is extremely dangerous & does not work. Sam Brinton, who is just 30 years old, was subjected to electroshock & other abusive tactics in attempts to convert him stating “I was told I was the only gay left on earth, that the government had come through & killed off every gay child when they were born. When the mental torture didn’t work, we moved into physical torture. My parents were lied to & I was abused, all in the name of trying to change something I never chose.” States with conversion therapy bans are California, Illinois, New Jersey, Oregon & Vermont. Check to see where your state stands on this issue & take action.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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