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Trump Eliminating LGBT Elders

By Charlotte Robinson, March 20, 2017
The Trump Administration is continuing to go after the most vulnerable members of our LGBTQ community by attempting to erase our LGBTQ seniors from the National Survey of Older Americans Act Participants (NSOAAP). SAGE (Services & Advocacy for LGBT Elders) has announced that it is launching a nationwide effort to oppose Trump’s proposed erasure of LGBT elders from this crucial survey. Specifically, SAGE opposes changes that would eliminate questions that allow the federal government to assess the extent to which LGBT older adults are receiving federally funded elder services. According to a March 13 notice in the Federal Register those questions which have been included in the Survey since 2014 are proposed for elimination in the 2017 Survey. This is the only change the Trump Administration proposes to the Survey. Michael Adams, Chief Executive Officer of SAGE stated, “Caring about our LGBT elders means making sure they have access to publicly-funded senior services, which can be literally life-saving. Now, it appears that the Trump Administration wants to make believe LGBT older people don’t exist, by erasing them from this critically important survey. We insist that this decision be reversed & that the federal government commit to serving all elders in need, including those who are LGBT.” This annual survey is conducted by the federal government to evaluate the effectiveness of programs funded under Title III of the Older Americans Act, including who is being served by such programs. Results from the survey are used to determine how to direct billions of dollars toward older people’s needs through publicly funded senior centers, home-delivered meals, family caregiver support, transportation & other key supports.
For More Info: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Mariah Hanson Talks The Dinah Palm Springs 27th Year
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Chef Rossi said...

it seems to get a little worse every day
taking away protection for trans kids
taking money away from the poor the elderly the arts

its time to stand up against this monster

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