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Congress Save Us From Trumpcare

By Charlotte Robinson, March 23, 2017
UPDATE: Trump Pulls Healthcare Bill 
Today Congress will vote on Trumpcare the so-called American Health Care Act, a bill that if made law would deprive tens of millions of quality affordable health care. We must stop this destructive  bill from passing. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, "The Affordable Care Act has expanded access to healthcare for millions of people in the U.S. It’s the reason: young people can remain covered by their parent’s health insurance until they’re 26; insurance companies can no longer impose a lifetime cap on coverage benefits; people living with HIV or other chronic conditions aren’t being refused healthcare coverage because of a preexisting condition; contraception & other forms of preventative care are available without a copay & it ensures that anyone who faces discrimination in a healthcare or insurance setting because of sex, which includes gender identity, can appeal. In contrast, Trumpcare, the so-called American Health Care Act, unlike its name suggests would deprive tens of millions of people of health care. This would create a devastating setback & erase incredible gains in health & wellbeing among so many. Many would return to relying on emergency rooms for health care, costing taxpayers millions of dollars & ensuring that our country continues to have the world’s most expensive health care system." To learn more about the National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund's legislative & policy advocacy work, check out the guide on "10 Key LGBTQ Health Advocacy.
Read & Download Guide…
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

We can only hope there are more humane, empathetic Congressional office holders who will vote against this.

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