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Alabama Passes Discriminatory Bill

By Charlotte Robinson, April 26, 2017
The Alabama House of Representatives has passed HB24 deceptively named the Alabama Child Placing Agency Inclusion Act on an 87-0 vote with 6 abstaining. The bill now heads to Governor Kay Ivey’s desk. Alex Smith, Board Chair of Equality Alabama stated, “The Alabama House of Representatives proved today that they don’t have the best interest of the nearly 5,000 children in Alabama’s child placing systems in mind. This bill robs these children of a loving home & gives the state’s seal of approval to unnecessary religious exemptions that open the door to discrimination. If Governor Ivey signs this bill into law, my husband Michael & I & so many other LGBTQ couples – could be discriminated against by child placing agencies and their employees.” Fran Hutchins, Equality Federation’s Deputy Director added, “As someone who was in foster care & adopted in Alabama, I am dismayed to see HB 24 pass. All children deserve a loving forever home, but this bill stands in the way of that. Governor Ivey has an opportunity to veto this harmful bill & have a positive impact on the lives of kids who are waiting for a home.” HB24 would create a broad license to discriminate in the placement of children in state care, allowing child placement agencies & workers to discriminate with taxpayer dollars & put their religious beliefs ahead of the best interests of children.
For More info: equalityal.org
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