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Trump’s Mass Destruction Weapon

By Charlotte Robinson, April 29, 2017
Trump's first 100 days has been marked with an agenda of executive orders designed to destroy lives & our country. Many of these policy decisions have a direct impact on our LGBTQ community not only in the United States but around the world. Jessica Stern, Executive Director of OutRight Action International stated, “President Trumps first 100 days in office have been harmful for many communities. He has tried to institutionalize xenophobic, anti-Muslim, anti-refugee, anti-women & anti-immigrant policies that perpetuate discrimination & promote divisiveness. All of them have an impact on LGBTIQ people who hold intersecting identities as parts of all of these groups. Apart from keeping intact protections for federal workers against LGBTIQ based discrimination, it is hard to keep up with the list of illogical policies that President Trump has put forth in his first 100 days in office. From appointing hate group C-Fam to an official government delegation to the United Nation’s annual conference on women, to reinstating the Global Gag Rule, which prevents organizations that receive US funding from providing comprehensive sexual reproductive healthcare to women, he has shown that he has no regard whatsoever for women’s rights. Instead of investing in policies that promote peace & global engagement, this administration has preached building walls, calling for a Muslim ban -- albeit in the form of naming specific countries & expanding the military budget. Lowering the ceiling on refugee admissions by over 50%, Trump’s decision means that so many more individuals are denied safety & protection in the US. All of these decisions impact countless LGBTIQ people who live as immigrants, as Muslims & live in places where their lives are in constant jeopardy…If President Trumps first 100 days are an indication of what we should expect from this administration in the next four years, we are in danger of setting back the clock on human rights in this country & globally. We must continue to resist all forms of discrimination & stand up for inclusion & tolerance. President Trump needs to understand that having an “America First” policy is no justification for failing to meet international human rights obligations. Above all he must put people first.”
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
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