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Montana State Senate Reversal

By Charlotte Robinson, November 16, 2017
In the midst the observance of Transgender Awareness Week that takes place from November 13th to Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20th that honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence, the Montana State Senate has passed an anti-transgender bill SB 10 that aims to undo the work by the Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services (HHS) to make it easier for Montanans to change birth certificate gender makers. Senate Bill 10 was introduced as part of Montana’s current special session, called to address the state’s budget shortfall. Sarah Kate Ellis, President and CEO of GLAAD stated, “The Montana Senate is failing all their constituents by focusing their efforts on discrimination & bigotry during an emergency special session to fix the state budget. This bill is a clear effort to walk back progress & create complicated & discriminatory roadblocks for trans Montanans seeking documents that accurately reflect who they are.” The Montana HHS held a public hearing last month for a proposed rule change that, if enacted, would longer require a court order saying the person has completed gender confirmation surgery in order to correct the gender on their birth certificate. Now, the state legislature is working to stop the proposal from going into effect. After being introduced this week SB 10 advanced through committee & the Senate & is now moving the House.
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