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SAGE LGBT Elders Lunch Event

By Charlotte Robinson, November 30, 2017
SAGE the nation’s largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBT elders joins The Movement Advancement Project & Columbia Law School’s Public Rights/Private Conscience Project in the timely release of a new report entitled “Dignity Denied: Religious Exemptions & LGBT Elder Services.” On Friday December 15th there will be a luncheon & conversation detailing the increased risk of discrimination LGBT older adults face as a result of recent efforts to pass religious exemption laws & policies. Michael Adams, CEO of SAGE stated, “This report & the amicus brief SAGE filed in the Masterpiece Cake case, clearly demonstrate that personal religious beliefs should never be a license to discriminate against LGBT people or anybody else. That’s why we are partnering with MAP & Columbia to bring together aging experts, religious leaders & our elders, to expose the dangers that so-called 'religious exemptions' pose for LGBT elders who need care & services. We must not allow the doors of a nursing home or a critical care provider to slam in LGBT elders’ faces just because of who they are & whom they love.” Speakers will include Alex Sheldon, Research Analyst, The Movement Advancement Project, Audrey Weiner, President and CEO, The New Jewish Home, Carmelyn P. Malalis, Chair & Commissioner, New York City Commission on Human Rights, Fred Davie, Executive Vice President, Union Theological Seminary, Jonathan Soto, NYC Mayor’s Office: Executive Director of the Center for Faith and Community Partnerships, Katherine Franke, Professor of Law & Faculty Director of the Public Rights/PrivatConscience Project, Columbia Law School, Michael Adams, CEO, SAGE & more. The luncheon takes place from 12P to 2P at Union Theological Seminary at Columbia University, 3041 Broadway in NYC.
For More Info: sageusa.org
LISTEN: Deb Dunn Talks Saving Transgender Lives
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

We are treading on dangerous backward efforts to isolate a group of elder Americans from having the same protections as any other American.

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