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Transgender Military Ban Update

By Charlotte Robinson, November 22, 2017
U.S. District Judge Marvin Garbis in the District of Maryland has issued a preliminary injunction in Stone v. Trump a case brought by the ACLU challenging Trump’s transgender military ban. This new ruling affirms the nationwide preliminary injunction issued in Doe v. Trump on October 30th. Rick Zbur, Executive Director Equality California stated, “Today’s ruling is another crucial blow to the Trump Administration’s discriminatory ban against transgender service members & those seeking to serve. President Trump’s ban violates constitutional protections & causes serious harms both to our nation’s military & to transgender Americans. Today’s ruling brings us closer to a permanent end.” In Doe v. Trump, the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) & GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) argued that Trump’s ban, first announced in a series of tweets, is irresponsible & discriminatory because qualified & able transgender Americans who wish to enlist have been barred from doing so. They also argue that transgender service members have been demeaned & stigmatized, denied health care & faced with the prospect of discharge & the loss of their professions, livelihoods, health care & the post-military retirement they have worked hard to earn. On October 30, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Kollar-Kotelly granted NCLR & GLAD’s motion for a nationwide preliminary injunction. NCLR & GLAD also are co-counsel in Equality California’s suit, Stockman v. Trump, which also challenges the ban. Oral argument in Stockman v. Trump is scheduled for Monday, December 11th in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California. For More Info: eqca.org
LISTEN: Deb Dunn Talks Saving Transgender Lives
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