NMAC announced that Larry Kramer the legendary HIV activist & writer will speak at the United States Conference on AIDS (USCA) on Sept. 7th in Orlando, FL. The USCA event will run from Sept. 7th to 10th. Paul Kawata, NMAC’s Executive Director
stated, “Larry is not just a legend but almost a mythical figure in the HIV community. He was intimately involved in the first responses to the HIV epidemic in the 1980s, from the founding of Gay Men’s Health Crisis & ACT-UP to his writing of The Normal Heart, Larry was unafraid to speak the truth, no matter the consequences. Those who survived the early days of the epidemic & all those currently living with HIV who are thriving owe a debt of gratitude to Larry. We are honored to have him address the USCA & remind us of the continued need for HIV activism.” NMAC leads with race to urgently fight for health equity & racial justice to end the HIV epidemic in America. Since 1987, NMAC has advanced our mission through a variety of programs & services, including: a public policy education program, national and regional training conferences, a treatment & research program, numerous electronic mediums. NMAC also serves as an association of AIDS service organizations, providing valuable information to community-based organizations, hospitals, clinics & other groups assisting individuals & families affected by the HIV epidemic. I talked with Kramer about how his play “The Normal Heart” & more in this exclusive audio interview
For More Info: mac.org
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