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Heartbreaking Supreme Court Ruling

By Charlotte Robinson, June 27, 2018
The US Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision to uphold Trump’s travel ban on several majority Muslim countries as well as North Korea & Venezuela to the United States is heartbreaking. Although the ban has been contested on the grounds of religious discrimination, the Supreme Court ruled that such a decree on the basis of national security is within the President’s authority. This is another sign that America is in great danger. Everything that this country stands for is being chipped away. Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO stated, “Today’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the Muslim ban is a harmful ruling that sanctions the racist policies of the Trump administration, which has attacked LGBTQ people, Muslims, immigrants & many more vulnerable communities in vile and merciless ways. Our unified communities will stand together in firm opposition to this abjectly un-American ruling.” Jessica Stern, Executive Director, OutRight Action International concluded, “It is deeply distressing that the Supreme Court has voted to uphold this ban that institutionalizes xenophobia under the guise of ‘national security.’ As much as Judge Kennedy claims the ban is “neutral on its face,” we know it is meant to target a specific group - Muslims. Anyone seeking refuge from violence & persecution, including LGBTIQ individuals who face criminalization in five of the countries on the list, now has one more door closed in their face.” Wake-up America!! Nothing is so bad it can’t get worse.
For More Info: outrightinternational.org
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1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

This visual says it all. Hoping the AG's lawsuit and ACLU's work along with lower courts will lead the pushback against a Trump dictatorial takeover of our democracy.

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