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Kavanaugh Threatens LGBT Rights

By Charlotte Robinson, September 05, 2018
GLAAD is demanding transparency & accountability on LGBTQ rights from Trump’s U.S. Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO of GLAAD stated, “If confirmed, Brett Kavanaugh will have a chance to ensconce President Trump & Vice President Pence’s hate-fueled anti-LGBTQ agenda on the nation’s top court for decades to come. In a nation that has only forged forward in our affirmation of rights for women, LGBTQ people, immigrants & all vulnerable people, Kavanaugh’s confirmation threatens our progress, as well as our deepest & most closely held American values.” Kavanaugh is also member of the Federalist Society which was instrumental in Chief Justice Roberts’ nomination & confirmation along with Justices Neil Gorsuch & Samuel Alito, who were all members. The Federalist Society has produced materials arguing against every major LGBTQ policy proposal including the Employment Non Discrimination Act, hate crimes legislation, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell & transgender accommodations. Since Trump has been in office he has also been busy appointing anti-LGBTQ federal judges & with the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh who is supported by the Family Research Council (FRC) a designated hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center Kavanaugh poses a total threat to our LGBTQ community, people of color & women. Should Kavanaugh be confirmed, marriage equality would not be the only Supreme Court precedent in jeopardy. As a candidate Trump stated time & again that he will only put "pro-life" judges on the court & that he wants to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
For More Info: glaad.org
LISTEN: Senator Elizabeth Warren Talks Blocking Kavanaugh
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

With orgs like GLAAD speaking out, we as individuals feel empowered to join forces to protect equality for all who would be in the line of fire with Kavanaugh on The Supreme Court.

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