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Massachusetts Transgender Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, September 07, 2018
On election day November 6th in Massachusetts Ballot Question 3 will ask voters whether to uphold the state law that protects transgender people from discrimination in public places such as restaurants, shops & hospitals. A "yes" vote would keep in place the current law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity in places of public accommodation. We must come together & work hard on the Yes on 3 Campaign to defend the current law protecting our transgender friends & neighbors from discrimination in public spaces. There are a few important events this month to get involved. First join Freedom For All Massachusetts in Quincy, MA on September 22nd & 23rd for the Yes on 3 Weekend of Action. They need to talk to thousands of voters about why non-discrimination protections for our transgender friends & neighbors are important & must be defended. Then on September 27th Freedom For All Massachusetts & Boston Black Pride will be hosting a Community Assembly to bring together leaders from all Boston LGBTQ organizations to discuss communication strategies for strengthening our coalition of voters at the Museum of African American History on 46 Joy Street in Boston from 6P to 9P. During the assembly speakers will provide an update on the campaign, discuss strategies for building awareness, getting out the vote & opportunities for each organization to become more involved in the campaign. In addition to discussing strategies & advocating for everyone to vote there will be a special guest keynote speaker Kryzia Salgado. Food & light refreshments will be provided for the evening. For More Info: bostonpride.org
LISTEN: Senator Elizabeth Warren Talks Blocking Kavanaugh
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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