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Historic Diverse U.S. Congress

By Charlotte Robinson, January 03, 2019
As Trump’s brat attack government shutdown continues 10 openly LGBTQ people are being sworn in to the 116th U.S. Congress today with Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) & Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) to the U.S. Senate & eight to the U.S. House historically becoming the most LGBTQ people to ever serve in either chamber. Mayor Annise Parker, President & CEO of LGBTQ Victory Institute stated, “A historic number of LGBTQ people will serve in the new U.S. Congress & their influence will shape the debate on equality legislation & issues moving forward. In the U.S. Senate, those opposed to the Equality Act will now need to look two openly LGBTQ Senators in the eyes & tell them their lives are not worth protecting. In the U.S. House, Speaker Pelosi will have 8 LGBTQ Representatives to consult about how various healthcare or criminal justice reform policies uniquely affect our community. The relationships these LGBTQ lawmakers will build with their colleagues on Capitol Hill are transformative & with an unprecedented number of women & people of color also joining the 116th Congress, equality issues will finally receive the attention they deserve.” Sarah Kate Ellis, President & CEO of GLAAD concluded, “It is a welcome relief that fair-minded, pro-equality lawmakers have returned to the majority in the U.S. House & now it’s time for them to roll up their sleeves & get to work for all marginalized communities, including LGBTQ Americans. As the Trump Administration continues to rollback equality in an effort to erase LGBTQ Americans from the nation, we need allies like Speaker Pelosi fighting for us in Congress.” Let’s hope this new Congress will finally put an end to Trump’s Wall Fantasy & get the Equality Act passed.
LISTEN: Rep. Joe Kennedy & Trans Advocates Talk Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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