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Transgender Military Ban Drags On

By Charlotte Robinson, January 05, 2019
While Trump continues to disrupt the country with his government shutdown for his ridiculous wall demands our trans community protecting our country in the military were served a blow from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit that sided with Trump & overturned a lower court’s ruling that blocked his ban on transgender people serving in the military stating, “In light of the substantial constitutional arguments & the apparent showing that the policy accommodates at least some of plaintiffs’ interests, we think that the public interest weighs in favor of dissolving the injunction.” Aaron Belkin Palm Center Director stated, "The Mattis policy that the DC Circuit upheld is a full ban on transgender troops that would have the same impact as 'don't ask, don't tell,' undermining readiness by forcing troops to live a lie, stigmatizing them & prompting the discharge of honorably serving personnel. All five military Chiefs of Staff have testified that inclusive policy has been a success, with JCS Chairman-designate Mark Milley reporting 'precisely zero' problems. Retired military Surgeons General —the senior medical officers in their services— issued a 55-page report finding that the Trump/Mattis policy is 'wholly unpersuasive' & will harm military readiness. The American Medical Association & six former Surgeons General have confirmed that the Mattis policy is based on dishonest medical assertions. Whipsaws in military personnel policy are damaging to military readiness. This is particularly true at a moment when recruitment is down & the nation lacks a Senate-confirmed Defense Secretary. Acting Secretary Shanahan should confirm what the Chiefs have already stated: inclusive policy is a success & transgender service members continue to be a welcome & successful part of the US military.” For More Info: palmcenter.org
LISTEN: Rep. Joe Kennedy & Trans Advocates Talk Equality
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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