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London Gay Liberation Front Fiftieth

By Charlotte Robinson, June 29, 2020
Veterans of the London Gay Liberation Front, 1970-74 marched on June 27th to celebrate the 50th anniversary of GLF & to reclaim Pride with five political demands. Like most Pride Celebrations that were cancelled due to COVID-19 this march was open to GLF veterans only & not to the public & social distancing & masks were required. The five demands are: To End UK detention & deportation of LGBT+ asylum seekers, Let people define their own gender, not doctors or the state, Mandatory LGBT+ education in every school, Religion! Hands off women’s & LGBT+ bodies & Solidarity with Black Lives Matter & LGBT+ people of color worldwide. Peter Tatchell a GLF veteran & the anniversary march coordinator was one of about 40 people who organized the UK’s first Pride march in London in 1972. He has attended every Pride London parade since then making this event his 49th. Peter Tatchell stated, “GLF did not seek equal rights within a flawed, unjust status quo. It campaigned for the transformation of society to end straight supremacism & stood in solidarity with all other oppressed people. A similar agenda of radical social change is needed now, as the UK faces the threats of COVID-19, economic meltdown, institutional racism, climate destruction and the demonization of trans people. We support Black Lives Matter & the just demands of black communities & black LGBT+ people, like we did in the early 1970s.” In this exclusive audio interview I talked to Peter in 2018 about what he hoped to accomplish with his work & his spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN
For More Info: petertatchellfoundation.org
LISTEN: Shannon Minter Talks “Born Perfect” & LGBTQ Issues

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