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Black Pride & Achieving LGBTQ Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, June 28, 2021

The 7th Annual Los Angeles Black Pride celebration takes place from Thursday July 1st to Monday July 5th curated & produced by BBE Group Founder & CEO Brandon Anthony & his team. The Black Pride movement serves as a way for Black LGBTQ people to discuss specific issues that are more unique to the Black LGBTQ community & celebrate each other. Brandon stated, “This year's focus is on intersection of community & entertainment with award winning LGBTQ+ talent/allies & impactful conversations post-pandemic on topics necessary for the Black community. As we move into years to come we will continue to communicate the LABP mission of celebrating the past, while building the future. We will activate in historically Gay celebrated Los Angeles spaces like the Legendary Catch One & The Abbey. As a Black Man, we want to work on eradicating issues surrounding Homophobia & racism in America.” The fact is that within the larger LGBTQ Community people of color continue to experience higher rates of discrimination. A new Center for American Progress survey shows that 43 percent of LGBTQ people of color reported experiencing discrimination last year from a doctor or health care provider with nearly half reporting that discrimination has affected their ability to rent or purchase a home to some degree & 1 in 3 reported staying away from public spaces to avoid facing discrimination. Policymakers must wake up & respond to the diverse & complex needs of LGBTQ individuals with intersecting identities & pass the Equality Act. LA Black Pride includes a 5-day COVID-safe series of both daytime & nighttime events that will feature discussion, dancing & celebrating. For More Info….

Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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