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Supreme Court Rains On LGBTQ Pride

By Charlotte Robinson, June 18, 2021

In the midst of celebrating LGBTQ Pride the U.S. Supreme Court rained on our virtual parade by ruling in favor of the Catholic Social Services in Fulton v. City of Philadelphia. Just another wake-up call that without the passage of the Equality Act which would finally prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation & gender identity, the U.S. Supreme Court was able to issued a narrow ruling against our LGBTQ community on a technicality. Erin Uritus, CEO of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates stated, “This decision is painful because the discrimination at the heart of this case is being allowed to stand. At the same time, the Court is saying that there is no broad right to discriminate, that the government can enforce nondiscrimination laws.” Kierra Johnson, Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force concluded, “The court’s ruling on Fulton is a narrow one, limited in both nature & scope. The most important take-away is that the Supreme Court unanimously refused to allow a religious entity to have a license to discriminate. We stand in solidarity with the community in Philadelphia that is working for the fair & equitable treatment of those who want to provide safe & loving homes to children & hold in our hearts the many children who will be impacted by this decision. The work ahead for our community is clear – we must continue to advocate for local & state non-discrimination laws, apply the ones that exist & most importantly, fight for the Equality Act, which would provide long overdue Federal protections to the LGBTQ community & many others.”  For More Info…

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