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OUTTAKE MEDIA Reaching Millions

This has continued to be a challenging year with the COVID-19 pandemic & all its nasty variants. We want to close out 2021 on a high note by thanking our loyal global audience & contributors for supporting OUTTAKE MEDIA’s mission through thick & thin as we reached a milestone of over 5 million page views. We also want to thank all the LGBTQ leaders, filmmakers, actors, authors & allies who appeared on OUTTAKE VOICES our audio podcast series that’s syndicated on iTunes, Amazon Music, iHeart & Spotify including Andy Garcia at the National LGBTQ Task Force, Erin Uritus, CEO of Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, Kierra Johnson Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force, Filmmaker Jennifer Cooney, Rock Icon Carole Pope, Filmmaker Ondi Timoner, Author Lee Wind, Trans Activist & Author Stephanie Battaglino, Filmmaker Jen Rainin & Curve magazine Founder Franco Stevens, Lisa Viola, Artistic Director at the Provincetown International Film Festival, Filmmaker Marc Smolowitz, Singer Songwriter Ann Hampton Callaway, Author Sarah F. Pearlman, Mariah Hanson The Dinah Founder & Producer, Lesbian Club Icon & Author Leslie Cohen, Activist Robin J. Schwartz, Actor & Author Omar Sharif Jr., Artist & Musical Performer Ryan Bauer-Walsh, Ally & Filmmaker Jesse Moss, Mayra Hidalgo Salazar of the National LGBTQ Task Force & Activist Icon Urvashi Vaid. We also wish to thank publicists Mona Elyafi at ILDK Media, Cathy Renna at Target Cue & Michele Karlsberg at MK Marketing & Management for providing us with some fabulous voices. We've lined up some amazing guests for 2022 & lots of exciting projects to come. We Wish Everyone A Safe & Healthy New Year. LISTEN



Campus Pride Social Justice Grants

Campus Pride the preeminent resource for LGBTQ leadership development, diversity, inclusion & advocacy within higher education announced the awarding of ten new Social Justice Mini-Grants for Activism. Campus Pride launched its social justice mini-grant program in June 2021 as part of the organization’s 20th-anniversary celebrations with an inaugural ten awards. Grantees represent schools from across the country working on projects ranging from providing binders to transgender students, cultivating a photojournalism series, developing educational & safe space trainings on campuses & supporting LGBTQ students on one of the most discriminatory campuses in the country. This inaugural class of awards were granted to George Washington University in Washington D.C., Pennsylvania State University, University of Connecticut, University of Minnesota, Virginia State University, University of Wisconsin, Brigham Young University & the University of Central Florida, Florida. Campus Pride was found in the fall of 2001 by LGBTQ civil rights leader & campus pioneer Shane L. Windmeyer who remains the current executive director of the org. Campus Pride represents the leading national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization for student leaders & campus groups working to create a safer college environment for LGBTQ students. The organization is a volunteer-driven network for & by student leaders. The primary objective of Campus Pride is to develop necessary resources, programs & services to support LGBTQ & ally students on college campuses across the United States. Campus Pride will continue awarding Social Justice Mini-Grants for Activism in 2022. Student activists are encouraged to apply online. For More Info…

Support Our LGBTQ Community (AUDIO)

This is the season when end of year gifts mean so much to our LGBTQ community. In 2021 we at OUTTAKE MEDIA have supported dozens of orgs with an emphasis on the National LGBTQ Task Force, Out & Equal Workplace Advocates, Provincetown International Film Festival, LGBTQ Women’s Community Survey & The Curve Foundation that supports programming for lesbian, trans, non-binary & queer journalists. If you’re trying to decide which LGBTQ org to give to this year here are a few suggestions that we have supported over the years: GLAAD, Dining Out For Life, Peter Tatchell Foundation, Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition, Matthew Shepard Foundation, Richmond Ermet Aid Foundation, LPAC (Lesbian Political Action Committee), PFLAG, GLAD, Lambda Legal, Equality Federation, Alice Austen House Museum, Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center in Allentown, PA, LGBT Resource Center of Chase Brexton Health Care, Groundswell Fund, Wicked Queer Boston’s LGBTQ Film Festival, Boston Gay Men’s Chorus, GLSEN, The Theater Offensive, OutRight Action International, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, Equality Florida, LGBTQ Center For American Progress, National Center for Lesbian Rights, Marriage Equality USA, AIDS Action Committee, Interfaith Alliance, Modern Military Association of America, Harbor to the Bay AIDS Benefit, Elton John AIDS Foundation, GO! Athletes, NOH8 Campaign, InterPride, BAGLY The Boston Alliance of Gay & Lesbian Bisexual & Transgender Youth, Provincetown Harbor Swim For Life & Paddler Flotilla, DignityUSA, True Colors United, Community Servings, GLBT Historical Society, Trevor Project, MAC Multicultural AIDS Coalition, GMHC, Boston LGBTQ Aging Project, Fenway Health & SAGE. Recently we talked to Urvashi Vaid about the importance of participating in the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey & her spin on our LGBTQ Issues. LISTEN

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Most LGBTQ Supportive NFL Teams Fans

Since I won my Emmy Award from CBS Sports NFL Today that helped carve out the most amazing career I could possibly ask for this story caught my eye. A new Outsports online survey found that the Cincinnati Bengals, Jacksonville Jaguars & the Tampa Bay Buccaneers fans are the most LGBTQ supportive football teams. The Cincinnati Bengals have the most supportive fans online of LGBTQ according to a survey that examined 2,930 posts on Reddit NFL forums. In Bengals sub-reddits 60% of the comments from posts from September 2020 to September 2021 were positive toward the LGBTQ community. The other online communities that posted more than 50% positive comments were the Jacksonville Jaguars, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Buffalo Bills, San Francisco 49ers & Las Vegas Raiders according to the survey for the ticket site Tickpick. In a separate survey of 1,000 sports fans for Tickpick (including 19% who identified as LGBTQ), fans of the New England Patriots (69%), Carolina Panthers (64%) and Kansas City Chiefs (64%) said they would be very or extremely supportive if a player was gay or bisexual. In summary the survey authors concluded, “Generally speaking, LGBTQ+ support across the NFL & its associated fan bases certainly exists & appears to be growing, but the question remains as to what pace. ... If there’s anything you should take from this article, it’s that a majority of NFL fans believe the league needs to be more inclusive & supportive of LGBTQ+ people. It’s also worth keeping in mind that NFL teams have drastically increased their pro-LGBTQ+ tweet numbers since 2019.” For More Info…

Creating Change Virtual Conference

The National LGBTQ Task Force has announced that due to uptick in Omicron variant cases the 34th annual Creating Change Conference will now be held virtually with dates for the online conference to be announced shortly. Kierra Johnson, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “While disappointing, we must put the health & wellness of our attendees, volunteers, staff & other conference supporters first & have decided to move forward with a virtual only conference. Despite the strict protocols we instituted, given the surge of the Omicron variant cases, we feel the safest & most responsible decision is to gather virtually as we did in January 2021. We know that Creating Change is a unique & empowering experience for our community & everyone who attends brings so much love & passion to the conference but our responsibility first & foremost is caring for each other.” Danny Linden, Creating Change Conference Director concluded “We will announce what programming will look like for Creating Change 2022 & beyond as soon as possible. We are grateful to all of the attendees, participants & sponsors for their understanding as we transition to a virtual experience & the opportunity to bring Creating Change to an even larger audience.” The National LGBTQ Task Force advances full freedom, justice & equity for LGBTQ people. They are building a future where everyone can be free to be their entire selves in every aspect of their lives. I talked with Mayra Hidalgo Salazar, Deputy Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force about what she hopes to accomplish at The Task Force & about the 34th Creating Change Conference before it was switched to virtual due to the omicron variant cases of COVID. LISTEN  

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LGBTQ People 20 Million Strong In USA

According to new report from the Human Rights Campaign Foundation that analyzed results from the recent U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey at least 20 million adults in the United States could be LGBTQ nearly 8% of the total adult population & almost double prior estimates for the LGBTQ community’s size. The report entitled “We Are Here: Understanding the Size of the LGBTQ+ Community” also suggests that more than 1% of people in the United States identify as transgender which is higher than any prior estimates. Additionally it also confirms prior research showing that bisexual people represent the largest single contingent of our LGBTQ community at about 4% of respondents. Joni Madison HRC Interim President stated, “LGBTQ+ people are here - in every town, in every city, in each & every ZIP code. This data shows what we’ve suspected: our community is larger & more widespread than we could have known up to this point. We’re proud to bring this data to light & set the stage for a future where all the millions of LGBTQ+ people in America enjoy full legal & lived equality. I commend the Biden administration & the U.S. Census Bureau for finally allowing researchers to count us & look forward to seeing the LGBTQ+ community counted in further studies.” Approximately 8% of respondents self-selected lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender when asked about their identity. A further 2% of participants “identify with a sexual orientation other than lesbian, gay, bisexual, or straight.” This could encompass a number of other orientations such as pansexual, asexual & others. The data suggests more than 2 million people identify as transgender which is an increase from prior estimates of approximately 1.4 million. Read Full Report…

The LGBTQ Women’s Survey (AUDIO)

This week I talked with Urvashi Vaid, President of The Vaid Group about the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey. This groundbreaking survey is a long overdue effort to learn & collect data from the experiences of women who partner with other women. Garnering over 5,000 respondents to date this unique effort is led by veteran queer, lesbian, bi, trans, non-binary, researchers & activists. The survey is designed to discover all we know & what we need to know about the life experience of LGBTQ women. Their goal is to reach 20,000 participants for the study by the end of March 2022. The survey will help understand the unique & amazing ways we form & support our families & how our community is surviving discrimination & harassment at work. The survey also addresses what forms of economic & social safety nets we create for ourselves given that the government, corporations & even non-profit employers largely do a poor job of this for black & brown LGBTQ+ women who love women. It also covers surviving the policing of our family members & ourselves as well as how racism, sexual violence & gender discrimination come together in our lives in ways that feel like gaslighting & can seem unimportant to our allies. This is an extremely important survey that will provide information our nation needs to understand so we can evolve & bring forward real life experience to inform policy change, service delivery & action to support LGBTQ+ women. I talked to Urvashi about her inspiration for creating the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey & give us her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN:


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SAGE 36th LGBTQ Annual Toys Party

SAGE hosted its 36th Annual Toys Party at Chelsea Piers to celebrate the holiday season while supporting LGBTQ+ elders & children in need. Hosted by Chris Kann, David Tufts, James Broadley & Daniel Beringer this year’s Toys Party also honored the memory & legacy of the event’s founder Robby Browne. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “Returning to the Toys Party was especially memorable this year. As we gathered to celebrate the holidays, support our community’s elders & bring some joy to children in need, we also honored the brilliant legacy of the event’s creator, Robby Browne, who we lost last year. It’s a testament to Robby’s impact on the LGBTQ+ community that this event, centered around giving back to those in need during such a busy time of year, is the legacy he has left behind. We are grateful for the gift of ongoing support he has given to SAGE & many other organizations over the years.” The event raised more than a quarter-million dollars for SAGE & collected thousands of toys donated to numerous LGBTQ-friendly children’s charities. For 36 years the Toys Party has collected hundreds of thousands of toys for children & raised millions for SAGE. Chris Kann Annual Toys Party co-host concluded, “It was so great to see the Toys Party resume after a two-year break. This year’s event was better than ever & Robby’s legacy will continue to live on at this magical night each December.” Toys from the event will be distributed to the following charities: 9th Police Precinct Community Center, Camp Felix, Brooklyn ACE Integration Head Start, Grace Baptist/Faith Mission & The Iris House. For More Info…

Creating Change Conference Update

After almost two years of grappling with a global pandemic hundreds of LGBTQ activists will once again come together virtually with a shared focus for safety & action. The National LGBTQ Task Force will host the 34th Creating Change Conference virtually in 2022 with dates TBA committed to creating a safe conference while providing the always unique & powerful experience of being in community to network, learn & plan for the coming year. The theme for the conference is “Reunite and Reignite” a message that captures the energy of so many LGBTQ people looking forward to being part of a vibrant & inclusive global online space once again. The conference energizes members of the LGBTQ+ movement by generating coalition building, providing skills training & inspiring collective action. Opening keynote speaker will be Beverly Little Thunder & closing plenary will include ALOK emceed by Sandra Valls. The Susan J. Hyde Award for Longevity in the Movement will be presented to Urvashi Vaid, the Evelyn & Walter Haas Jr. Fund Award for Outstanding LGBTQ Leadership for Immigration Rights will be presented to Ola Osifo Osaze, the 15th Annual Leather Leadership Award will be presented to Billy Lane & the SAGE Award will be presented to JosĂ© Albino, M.A. At Creating Change 2022 attendees will build their own personal conference schedule & choose from an impressive range of workshops & programming. In this exclusive interview I talked with Mayra Hidalgo Salazar, Deputy Executive Director of the National LGBTQ Task Force about what she hopes to accomplish at The Task Force & about the 34th Creating Change Conference before it was switched to virtual due to the omicron variant cases of COVID. LISTEN


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LGBT Asylum Task Force New Home

The LGBT Asylum Task Force, a ministry of Hadwen Park Congregational Church in Worcester, Massachusetts has provided housing for the first group of LGBT asylum seekers in their newly renovated apartment building in the central Massachusetts city. The LGBT Asylum Task Force mission is to provide asylum seekers of all faith traditions housing, food & connection to legal, medical & mental resources. Its volunteers recently made sure that three gay men seeking asylum in the U.S. had all the items they needed. Alain Spyke, a 26-year-old who fled Jamaica because of a local gang’s harassment & threats stated, “I don’t even have the words. To come into this country & have a safe space to escape all the hardships & trauma? Not everyone has that opportunity.” The LGBT Asylum Task Force opened their new permanent home after raising more than $500,000 to purchase & renovate a three-story apartment building. Al Green, Director of the LGBT Asylum Task Force concluded, “Asylum seekers are not allowed to work for up to two years after arriving in the US. Our vital ministry provides comprehensive support for the entire duration of that two-year period in which it is needed. We found that giving folks stability has helped them better prepare for their asylum cases. They know they’re in a safe place until they can get on their feet.” By welcoming LGBTQ people of all faith traditions the LGBT Asylum Task Force, a ministry of Hadwen Park Congregational Church, UCC provides comprehensive support for the entire duration of that two-year period in which it is needed. For More Info…

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"Auntie Mame" The Big Screen LA Event

Outfest & American Cinemateque are co-presenting a series of screenings of “Auntie Mame” December 14th to December 17th at the Los Feliz Theatre 1822 N Vermont Avenue in Los Angeles, CA. This is without a doubt my favorite holiday movie & probably was one the most influential during my formative years. “Auntie Mame” set the standard of diversity with the opening party scene filled with characters including classic gay & lesbian couples. The fabulous free-spirited Mame played by Rosalind Russell introduced the audience to a lifestyle that was far removed from the confines of the Eisenhower administration when it was released on December 27th 1958. The theme of the story is “Life’s a banquet & most poor sons suckers are starving to death. You have to Live, Live, Live!” The story is about Mame Dennis who’s a progressive & independent woman of the 1920s. She is then left to care for her nephew Patrick after his wealthy father dies. The story is based on the biography Patrick Dennis’ book of the same name that was one of the bestselling American books of the 20th century. This is a rare opportunity to see this film on the big screen. “Mame” was then adapted into a musical with music & lyrics by gay icon Jerry Herman which opened on Broadway in 1966 starring Angela Lansbury & Bea Arthur. The production became a hit & then in 1974 it was spawned into a disastrous film with Lucille Ball in the title role with Arthur reprising her supporting role. The original must-see movie cast also includes Peggy Cass as Agnes Gooch, Forrest Tucker as Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside, Roger Smith as the older Patrick Dennis & Joanna Barnes as the classic Gloria Upson among others. Tickets for the LA screening are $8 for members & general public $13. For More Info…

US Schools & Libraries Ban LGBTQ Books

Across America books by LGBTQ authors & Black authors are being protested & removed from schools & public libraries. Texas lawmakers have created a hit list of 850 targeted books which two-thirds are LGBTQ-related & 9 states have passed laws restricting teachers from including accurate information in schools related to race, sex, gender & LGBTQ people. The National Coalition Against Censorship that promotes freedom of thought & inquiry & opposes censorship stated, "The current attacks on books in schools are a coordinated political strategy that threaten America's students & disregard their right to read & learn. Not all library books will appeal to all students, but all students must be allowed to access books that inspire, inform & connect with them. No one person's or group's personal viewpoint can be allowed to determine what all students are permitted to read." Sarah Kate Ellis, GLAAD President & CEO concluded, “Every LGBTQ young person needs to see themselves in stories about their lives, to let them know they belong just as they are. Every American needs stories about LGBTQ people, Black people, queer people of color & all marginalized groups to better understand each other's experiences. Books nurture more compassionate human beings & a more successful society, where all are welcome to participate. School boards & libraries must follow established protocol to ensure access to books & to represent & serve LGBTQ youth. All leaders must speak up against hostile rhetoric & behavior targeting vulnerable young people & books about their lives & prioritize protecting them & safe spaces for all to learn.” 

New LGBTQ Elders Consumer Guide

The Human Rights Campaign Foundation & SAGE have unveiled the first consumer guide for LGBTQ elders to find safe, affirming long-term care communities. This guide is an extension of the Long-Term Care Equality Index (LEI) that aims to inform aging members of our LGBTQ community & their loved ones what questions they should ask & what they should look for when they begin the process of selecting a long-term care community that is right for them or a loved one. Jay Brown, Human Rights Campaign Senior Vice President for Programs, Research & Training stated, “We all deserve to feel safe & have our needs met when seeking care. A long-term care community’s dedication to LGBTQ+ inclusivity must be rooted in inclusive policies & practices & this guide gives consumers the tools they need to ask the right questions. This resource is rooted in research & a dedicated partnership between the Human Rights Campaign Foundation & SAGE.” Michael Adams SAGE CEO concluded, “We hear far too many stories about LGBTQ+ elders who face discrimination & mistreatment in long-term care. An important part of the solution is giving elders the information they need to make their best possible choices when looking at long-term care options. This guide will empower older LGBTQ+ people to make choices that will allow them to be their authentic selves at whatever long-term care community they choose.” Access to LGBTQ affirming long-term care communities is an issue growing in importance as more out LGBTQ elders seek support. The LEI sets the first national standards for inclusive LGBTQ policies & practices for senior housing & residential long-term care communities. For More Info…

Missouri LGBTQ Exhibit Making History

St. Louis’ newest art exhibition hub The Gallery will host “Making History: Kansas City & the Rise of Gay Rights” from December 11th through January 5th. The traveling exhibit brings the stories of LGBTQ people to communities across the state of Missouri. The exhibit created by students at the University of Missouri explores the activism of the early days of the LGBTQ movement in Kansas City. Michael Staenberg President of Staenberg Group stated, “The Gallery celebrates diversity & inclusion, where everyone is welcome. Not only is this exhibit a great fit for The Gallery but it also features an important story that we’re honored to help tell.” Charlie Brennan, KMOX Radio host who helped lead the effort added, “By displaying ‘Making History: Kansas City & The Rise of Gay Rights’ in the St. Louis area, we are showing our support for the LGBTQ+ community in Kansas City & throughout Missouri. We also see great value in learning the history of Kansas City’s LGBTQ+ community through this exhibit, which is the result of serious academic scholarship at the UMKC.” Maharat Rori Picker Neiss, Executive Director of the JCRC concluded, “The Jewish Community Relations Council of St. Louis is honored to count ourselves among the organizers of the effort to bring this remarkable exhibit to St. Louis. It is essential that we learn from & honor the history & struggles of all peoples & especially the LGBTQ+ community. As we see from the work of displaying the exhibit, these struggles are far from over & we all have a part to play in building a brighter, more welcoming future for all people.” Note: “Making History: Kansas City & the Rise of Gay Rights” was the LGBTQ history exhibit that was pulled from Missouri Capitol after just four days following complaints last September. For More Info…

Drag Comedian Boston Christmas Event

Sky Casper Entertainment is presenting Drag Comedian Pissi Myles with her hilarious holiday show "Pissi Ruins Christmas" on Saturday December 18th at Club CafĂ© in Boston. Pissi who made a headline-grabbing appearance in full drag at the first Trump impeachment trial will be stuffing everyone's Christmas stockings with show-stopping live vocals, twisted carols & tinseled laughter. Sky Casper stated, "Pissi is one of my favorite drag divas & there is no one better suited to ruin Christmas. She's the anti-Mariah & everyone is going to have the best time getting into & out of the holiday spirit with her." Pissi Myles was born kicking & screaming & hasn’t stopped since. As a comedian, singer & humorist, Pissi has been noted as one of the most talented drag queens in the Northeast by fans, critics, & peers. She’s been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Mic, RuPaul’s "What’s the T Podcast" & more. She also performed at the return of the legendary Wigstock festival in 2018. Always one to make a scene, in 2019 Pissi partnered with the streaming news app Happs to cover Donald Trump’s impeachment & she also reported at the democratic debates for Happs interviewing presidential hopefuls Kamala Harris & Cory Booker. Doors open for Pissi Ruins Christmas on Saturday December 18th at Club Cafe 209 Columbus Avenue in Boston, MA at 6:30P for cocktails. The festive show starts at 7:30P. Tickets are $30 in advance & $35 at the door which are cash only based on availability. Because of a recent visit from that unwanted diva, Oh! My! Cron! Variant proof of COVID vaccination will be required for admission. As social distancing will be limited masks are recommended. For Info & Tix…

San Francisco Holigays Live Concert

The San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus is ringing in the holiday season with its annual seasonal extravaganza "Holigays Are Here... Again!" returning to the stage live for the first time since the 2019 holiday season. SFGMC is bringing back everything that has made this concert one of San Francisco Bay Area’s annual signature holiday treats. Performances will take place in person on Friday December 10th at 8P & Saturday December 11th at 3P & 7:30P at the Sydney Goldstein Theater in San Francisco, CA. This year’s concert will feature something for everyone including “Festival Gloria”, “Little Drummer Boy,” “Go Tell It On The Mountain,” “Los Peces en el Rio” & “Over the River” with special guests the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus’ very own Homophonics & The Lollipop Guild. Tickets run from $25 to $110. With COVID guidelines masks must be worn at all times. All patrons ages 12+ must be fully vaccinated to attend this event with proof of vaccination & photo ID are required upon arrival. Full vaccination is defined as completion of the two-dose regimen of Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or one dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine administered two weeks or more in advance of the event. Children under age 12 who are not yet fully vaccinated must provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within the last 72 hours. Testing must be conducted within 72 hours of event start time both PCR & antigen are acceptable. Results of the test must be presented prior to entry into the venue. If the minor does not have photo ID, a non-photo ID (e.g., school ID) or verification from a parent is sufficient. For Info & Tix…

National AIDS Memorial Honors Pose

The National AIDS Memorial awarded its prestigious National Leadership Recognition Award that’s presented annually on World AIDS Day to Pose. The fabulous history-making & award-winning FX drama series that captured millions of hearts & minds through its powerful storytelling & authentic LGBTQ characters. The award honors leaders in the AIDS movement who shines a light on the ongoing struggle for health & social justice & the fight against stigma & discrimination by using their unique voice to help educate the public about HIV/AIDS. A Quilt panel made for Pose character Pray Tell was gifted to the National AIDS Memorial where it will become part of the AIDS Memorial Quilt’s vast collection of Quilt-related memorabilia. John Cunningham, National AIDS Memorial CEO stated, “Pose has had a far-reaching impact in helping bring the story of AIDS & the long struggle for health & social justice to the forefront through its brilliant & authentic storytelling. We are honored to present this award to all those involved in the production of Pose – the producers, writers, cast & crew – whose collective work has helped change hearts & minds.” Billy Ported concluded, “I remember the day that I went in to shoot Pray Tell's death scene & I remember in 2007 when I got the HIV diagnosis & I went through my shame because I was a part of the community that was supposed to know better & this wasn't supposed to happen. Working for four years & three seasons on this show, I was able to get to a space of profound healing for myself through the proxy of the character of Pray Tell & Steven directed that final episode & I walked in that day & I said, ‘This is the death of Pray Tell, but it's the rebirth of Billy.” For More Info…

World AIDS Day 40 Years Later (AUDIO)

This year the nation marks 40 years since the first cases of AIDS were reported in the U.S. with more than 700,000 lives lost in the past four decades. I have lost many friends & family to AIDS. It is important to take a moment & remember them & think about what a better world this would be if they were still around. University of New Haven Professor Anthony Santella stated, “Ending the HIV epidemic by 2030 is within reach. Using science-based strategies such as testing everyone at least once to slow the spread of HIV infection, providing access to FDA-approved HIV prevention medications & providing school-based, age-appropriate, medically accurate sex education is key. There are almost 11,000 Connecticut residents living with HIV who also need access to high-quality, accessible, culturally competent HIV care & treatment to provide them the tools to reduce the virus in their bodies to a point where they are not able to transmit the virus to others.” This year also marks 30 years since a group of volunteers gathered in Golden Gate Park to create a living memorial which now is the nation’s federally designated memorial to AIDS. In the 30 years since the National AIDS Memorial was created its mission has grown to include the 10-acre Memorial Grove, the 50,000 hand-sewn panels of the AIDS Memorial Quilt & engaging programs that include storytelling initiatives, youth scholarships, Quilt displays, volunteer workdays & powerful community events. Listen to our exclusive audio byte with Cleve Jones who conceived the idea of the AIDS Memorial Quilt talk about how AIDS affected our LGBTQ community.

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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