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SAGE 36th LGBTQ Annual Toys Party

By Charlotte Robinson, December 19, 2021

SAGE hosted its 36th Annual Toys Party at Chelsea Piers to celebrate the holiday season while supporting LGBTQ+ elders & children in need. Hosted by Chris Kann, David Tufts, James Broadley & Daniel Beringer this year’s Toys Party also honored the memory & legacy of the event’s founder Robby Browne. Michael Adams SAGE CEO stated, “Returning to the Toys Party was especially memorable this year. As we gathered to celebrate the holidays, support our community’s elders & bring some joy to children in need, we also honored the brilliant legacy of the event’s creator, Robby Browne, who we lost last year. It’s a testament to Robby’s impact on the LGBTQ+ community that this event, centered around giving back to those in need during such a busy time of year, is the legacy he has left behind. We are grateful for the gift of ongoing support he has given to SAGE & many other organizations over the years.” The event raised more than a quarter-million dollars for SAGE & collected thousands of toys donated to numerous LGBTQ-friendly children’s charities. For 36 years the Toys Party has collected hundreds of thousands of toys for children & raised millions for SAGE. Chris Kann Annual Toys Party co-host concluded, “It was so great to see the Toys Party resume after a two-year break. This year’s event was better than ever & Robby’s legacy will continue to live on at this magical night each December.” Toys from the event will be distributed to the following charities: 9th Police Precinct Community Center, Camp Felix, Brooklyn ACE Integration Head Start, Grace Baptist/Faith Mission & The Iris House. For More Info…

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