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National LGBTQ Women's Survey Events

By Charlotte Robinson, March 18, 2022

The National LGBTQ+ Women's Community Survey team will be hosting 3 free virtual events on April 28th, May 4th & May 12th via Zoom to discuss preliminary findings of the survey & strategizing ways of moving forward. Join Urvashi Vaid, Professor Alyasah Ali Sewell, Jaime Grant & other members of the survey team for an update on their progress. They’ll have some interesting results to spark a discussion about the data you would most like to prioritize. This long overdue groundbreaking survey is an effort to learn & collect data from the experiences of women who partner with other women. Garnering thousands of respondents to date this unique effort is led by veteran queer, lesbian, bi, trans, non-binary, researchers & activists. The survey was designed to discover all we know & what we need to know about the life experience of LGBTQ women. Their goal is to reach 20,000 participants for the study by the end of March 2022 so there’s still time to fill out the survey if you haven’t yet. The survey collects our community's stories across twenty different categories including identity, home & community, family formations, sexual & intimate life, education & employment, health & well-being, religion & spirituality, experiences of violence & discrimination, civic engagement, policing & incarceration. This is an extremely important survey that will provide information our nation needs to understand so we can evolve & bring forward real life experience to inform policy change, service delivery & action to support LGBTQ+ women. I talked to Urvashi Vaid in December about her inspiration for creating the National LGBTQ+ Women’s Community Survey & her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN


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