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Florida Restricts Care For Trans Youth

By Charlotte Robinson, November 07, 2022

The Florida Boards of Medicine & Osteopathy finalize their rules restricting lifesaving care for our transgender youth on Friday. This puts in place a freeze frame for trans youth already accessing gender-affirming medical care & effectively prohibit new care for trans youth under the age of 18 making Florida the first U.S. state to limit & partially ban such treatment through an administrative process. Similar measures in Alabama & Arkansas are currently blocked in court. Nikole Parker, Equality Florida Director of Transgender Equality stated, “With young lives on the line, another state agency has placed the political ambitions of Ron DeSantis over its duty to protect Floridians. These rules, as written, put transgender youth at higher risk of depression, anxiety & suicidality. Those are the facts purposely ignored by a Board of Medicine stacked with DeSantis political appointees who have put their toxic politics over people’s health & wellbeing. Transgender Floridians exist. We are part of this community. Gender-affirming care is lifesaving care & it is care that is supported by every major medical organization, an overwhelming majority of medical providers & should be left to young people, their families & their doctors. Not politicians. Shame on the Florida Boards of Medicine & Osteopathy for trading the suffering of transgender youth & their parents for cheap political points.” The National LGBTQ Task Force has joined forces with Equality Florida & Equality Texas to fight anti-LGBTQ extremism ahead of midterm elections including a new animated ad campaign. Recently I talked to Cathy Renna Communications Director for the National LGBTQ Task Force about what she hopes to accomplish with this ad campaign & her spin on our LGBTQ issues. LISTEN:  

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