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Midterm Elections Campaign Ad Burnout

By Charlotte Robinson, November 04, 2022

First of all in these beyond challenging times you must vote because no matter what happens the majority of people in this country are still compassionate loving people & not the haters that are so insecure that they have to carry assault rifles. Remember that in the 2016 election 40 million democrats did not vote & look where the country is today. This weekend we are going to be inundated on broadcast TV by hateful political ads spuing hate speech about anyone the GOP disagrees with. Now that we barely survived 45’s unconstitutional wrath without any lawful consequences where we go from here as a society is questionable. For our LGBTQ community we went from becoming a more diverse nation during the Obama’s administration finally working towards equality to aggressive attacks on our community & communities of color by states passing legislation that bans hundreds of books & censors curriculum covering slavery or mentioning LGBTQ people. This year alone more than 160 state bills to restrict trans rights have been proposed across the country. Then we have this appalling shift in social media with Elon Musk amplifying anti-LGBTQ conspiracy theories. We’re in a war between good & evil with a fine line defining free speech, hate speech & censorship. How we work through this as a nation & as a society will determine our future. Now a quick summation to mainstream media. Do not amplify the claims by election deniers. As frightening as it may be an astonishing 60% of voters in the midterm election will have an election denier on the ballot next week. It is vital to our democracy that we protect the integrity of our elections & the media must refuse to support widespread & unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud. Updates to come...

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