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DOMA Goes To Federal Court (AUDIO)

By Charlotte Robinson, May 06, 2010
Exclusive Audio Interviews with Bruce Vilanch &
filmmakers & celebrities at the 26th annual Boston
LGBT Film Fest which runs through May 16th


Update: GLAD.org
BOSTON: The constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act
(DOMA) was challenged Thursday in Federal Court. In this
exclusive audio interview Emmy Winner Charlotte Robinson,
Host of OUTTAKE VOICES™, talks with Lee Swislow, Executive
Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD),
about their case Gill v. Office of Personnel Management that
challenges Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) which
began with oral arguments Thusday. The case will be heard before
U.S. District Judge Joseph L. Tauro in the Federal District Court in
Boston. The plaintiffs are seven legally married Massachusetts gay
couples & three surviving spouses who have been denied federal
benefits under section 3 of DOMA. Section 3 states, for the purpose
of federal benefits, marriage is defined as between a man & a
woman. What GLAD is targeting is the exclusion of over eleven
hundred federal rights, benefits & responsibilities for legally married
gay & lesbian couples. Updates to Come….:)
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1 comment:

Lee Swislow said...

We feel this lawsuit it crucial because people are getting hurt. We’ve been hearing stories from hundreds of Massachusetts gay couples who have been hurt by their exclusion from federal benefits and we felt it was our duty to bring this suit forward and highlight for people throughout America the real harm that (legally married gay) couples face.

Lee Swislow, Executive Director of the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD)

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